Chapter 2

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Mum was usually at work, so seeing her in the kitchen was a surprise. I was happy she was home though. I walk over to her and give her a hug.

"Hey mum. What are you doing here?" I ask in curiosity as Anastasia gives mum a hug as well. Anastasia let's go and stands next to me, leaning against the kitchen counter. We wait for mums answer and she looks down, fidgeting with her shirt. I furrow my eyebrows in concern. "Are you okay, mum?" I ask her.

She looks up and gives me a nervous smile. "I'm fine." She says reassuringly, but I didn't believe her. "seriously mum. What's wrong?" Anastasia asks. Mum clears her throat. "Well actually, I have some news to tell you." She says, not meeting either of our eyes. I raise an eyebrow. "What kind of news?" I ask suspiciously.

What is she talking about?

Mum thinks the question over. "An important kind of news." She says seriously, looking up and meeting both of our eyes for the first time since we got home.I frown. I did not like the sound of that.

"Well, are you going to tell us?" Anastasia says impatiently."Not just yet. I have to pick up Ian and then some people are going to come over. Then I'll tell you." Mum says. "Who exactly is 'some people'?" Anastasia asks suspiciously. "It will all make sense soon." She says mysteriously. I open my mouth to say something but close it when I don't know what to say. "Anyway, I'm going to go pick Ian up. Get ready." Mum says, gathering her keys and wallet.

Anastasia and I watch mum as she walks away. "Make sure to wear something nice." Mum shouts and then we hear the front door close.

I then turn my attention to Anastasia. "What do you think is going on?" I ask.

She shrugs. "Beats me."


I sit on the couch besides Ian. We were watching some kid show that Ian was obsessed with. Mum had picked him up and is in the middle of getting ready. Ian was already dressed in a pair of jeans and a patterned button down shirt. "How was school, little man?" I ask him.

He distractedly looks away from the tv but only for a second. "School is school. Boring." He says. I nod and pat his shoulder. "I get you, little man. I get you." I mutter under my breath.

I wore a simple navy green dress with a black jacket on top. I had my hair in soft wakes. Anastasia comes to join us on the couch, sitting on the other side of Ian. "What are you guys watching?" She asks. I shrug when she looks at me while Ian just ignore her.

Ah, little kids. Don't you love them?

"Do you know when the mystery people are coming?" I ask her. She shrugs like I did earlier. "Got no idea." She replies.


Ding dong!

That is the sound of the door bell. Cue the nerves.

Crap! There're here. I don't even know who they are.

I stand up as does the others. Mum gives us a reassuring smile and says, "well they're here." Ian and mum walk to the front door while Anastasia and I walk more slowly together. Mum opens the door to three very good looking people. There was a man, a guy somewhere my age and a girl probably around the age of 16. One thing I noticed straight away is that they all have deep blue eyes. I bet you even the sky's jealous.

Damn. Why couldn't I get eyes like that? I was stuck with boring dark brown eyes.

"Come in." She says, ushering the three in. They walk in and all of us take a seat on the couch, Ian sitting next to the guy probably my age, mum sitting next to the older man. "So, introductions." My mum says, clapping her hands once. "This is Luke, Logan and Megan." Mum says, gesturing to each of them. Luke was the older man and Logan was the guy Ian sat next to. Megan was obviously the girl. I had to bite my tongue so I'd don't ask them who they were and why they were here. I knew it would sound rude.

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