Chapter 10

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I open my eyes and find myself back in the woods.

"Oh great." I say aloud.

I'll just go to the waterfall. I listen for the water and head in that direction. I make it there a lot quicker than before, but find someone already sitting on the fallen tree. Cameron.

I couldn't help my stupid grin even if I tried to.

Why am I happy that he's here?

He turns around when he hears me and gives me a brilliant smile.

"Well hello there, Arianna." He says.

"Hello. Did you miss me, Cameron?" I say jokingly.

"Unfortunately, I did." He says seriously.

"Why is that so unfortunate for you?" I ask him, confused.

"Well, I have responsibilities to do and I couldn't think straight. All I could think of was you." He looks so troubled.

An overwhelming need to comfort him takes over but I don't let myself do anything.

Wait, he was thinking of me?

My wolf obviously enjoys this and tries to take control but I push her back, all mentally of course. She's been saying something over and over but I can't quite figure what.

I don't know what to say so I remain quiet and stare at the waterfall.

"Say something, Arianna." He says, so quietly that if it weren't for my werewolf hearing, I probably wouldn't of been able to hear him.

I turn to him and say "what do you want me to say?"

He sighs. "I don't know. I always know what to do but when it comes to you, I don't know anything."

I study him for a bit. His shoulders are slumped. He's leaning forward and has his elbows on his knees. His head is in his hands. He looks terrible.

I did that to him? No. I couldn't of. I have to do something.

I slowly walk towards him and sit on the log with him.

"You were in my thoughts as well. I kept asking myself if I'd ever see you again and when I did, I felt really happy, relieved even. I don't understand any of this and honestly, it scares me of how much I care about you already. Right now, all I want to do is comfort you and make your pain go away. And it's worse knowing I was the one causing the pain." I say quietly.

He slowly looks at me and stares at me and I meet his eyes. He seems surprised but quickly recovers. Cameron's face lights up and he gives me his amazing smile.

I raise an eyebrow and say "I know I'm beautiful, but no need to stare."

He chuckles and looks away. "Has anyone ever told you that your really good at speeches."

He says. "I've been told that once or twice." I say.

We sit there in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

He turns to me and says "let's get to know each other."

"Sure. How about this. You ask a question and we both answer it and then I ask a question and we both answer it, and so on. Do you get what I'm saying?"

"Yeh I get it." He says.

"Ok good. You ask a question first."

"What's your favourite colour? Mine is green."

"Mine is red. How old are you? I'm 18"

"I'm 22. Ummm do you have any siblings? I don't have any."

"I have two brothers and two sisters." I pause and say "I'm really bad with questions, sorry I can't think of anything."

"That's alright, I can't think of any questions either to be honest." He says.

We both turn back to the waterfall in silence.

After a couple minutes, I ask "What do you think this all means?" I turn and look at him.

He turns to me and says "I've already said this and I still believe it. I think we are mates. I mean why else would this happen? Why would we both care for each other and yet have only spoken twice. You know, sometimes I question if you're real or not."

"I am real but I have never heard of mates having dreams together." I say and look at the waterfall.

We don't say anything and I feel the tingling feeling I got last time.

Before I wake up I say "Goodbye Cameron."


That's another chapter done. Don't mind the bad grammar and spelling. Comment please, it would help. Thanks! Have a good day/night. ❤️😊

- a_lama

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