Chapter 22

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I wake up to Anastasia shaking my arm. I groan and swat her arm away. I turn on my side, away from her.

"Come on, Arianna. Mums bonding ceremony is today and we don't even know what we are wearing." She says. That instantly opens my eyes and I quickly sit up. I check the time.


I have around two hours to get ready. I turn to Anastasia and find that she's already half way to the door.

Good morning, Arianna.

This instantly brings a smile to my face.

Morning. I like your wolf by the way.

Thank you. My wolf definitely likes the compliment.

Well I'm glad. Anyway I'll see you in a bit.

Can't wait.

I quickly get up and go through my morning routine. I head downstairs and get some cereal. No one is in the kitchen so they must be getting ready.

I should see how mum is doing. I mean it's like she's getting married so she must be nervous. Speaking of marriage, is she going to get married?

I knock on my mums door and enter when she says, "come in."

I find her straitening her hair. I come over and sit on her bed.

"So, how you doing mum?" I ask.

"I'm doing okay. Honestly I can't wait." She says like a very excited teenager.

I couldn't help but grin. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks honey. That means so much to me."

"Anyway. Are you going to get married to Luke?" I ask.

"We have spoken about this and I think we will once things calm down." She says, giving me a smile.

"Anyway, I'm going to go get ready"

I go to my room and fling open my closet.

And the hunt for the perfect outfit has begun.


We have arrived at the pack house 15 minutes before 10. Everyone is already here and the ceremony is about to start.

I decided to wear a black long sleeve shirt with a grey skirt that has black lace at the bottom. (Image below)

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