Chapter 8

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I find myself in the woods.

Where am I? Am I dreaming?

I pinch myself and don't feel anything.

Yup I'm dreaming.

I walk around for what seems like forever.

It's nothing like any other dream that I've had. Although it's not like I can remember most of them. But the ones I do remember, well they are wacked up. I once had a dream that there was this dog that was made out of grass chasing me. It bit me on my neck and I woke up. I told Anastasia about it and she decided to call the creature a grog. A grass dog.

I snap back into reality (well dream reality) when I hear water running.

Must be a river or something.

I walk closer to the sound until I find a small waterfall. It has a lake below it.

It's beautiful!

I slowly take a step closer and find a log next to it. I sit down and just watch the waterfall for a few minutes.


I whip my head around in the direction of the sound. It sounded like a twig snapping.

Must be an animal. Although this is my dream but whatever.

I was about to turn around when I see something moving. I sit there, frozen. Not knowing what to do. As it comes closer, I realise it's a person. I slowly stand up and wait for the person to come.

What am I supposed to do?

It comes closer until it steps into the clearing.

It's a man.

He has a strong build and is around the same height as Logan. Maybe a bit taller. He has dark brown hair, a big lighter than mine, with hazel eyes.

He has nice eyes as well!

Damn, he is gorgeous!

We stare at each other for a few minutes.

"Who are you?" He asks.

His voice is deep and rich and it sends shivers down my spine.

What the hell Arianna?

I put my hands on my hips and say "you're asking me, who I am? Who are you?" I say.

He narrows his eyes at me and says "you're in my dream and I asked first. Who are you?"

His dream? Is he insane?

"Your dream? This is my dream." I say, getting annoyed.

He takes a step closer and I eye him wearily.

He asks me again "who are you?" This time he sounds more demanding.

Who does he think he is? He can't just talk to me like he owns me.

I roll my eyes and turn back around to the waterfall. I sit back down on the tree. He gives an impatient sigh and walks closer to the waterfall.

After a few seconds he says, "My name is Cameron."

With a triumphant grin, I turn to look at him to find him already looking at me.

Should I tell him? Eh might as well. Besides it's just a dream. It's not like he's an actually person, right?

"I'm Arianna." I say.

I turn back around to the waterfall.

"So, why do you think we are here?" I ask without looking at him.

"My best guess is that we're mates." He says.

What?! Mates? No. I've been a werewolf one day! Besides, mates are supposed to be each other's equal and it's obvious I am not his. I'm nothing special.

I look at him and say "most likely not."

"Why? Am I not good enough for you?" He says we an edge in his voice.

Yup. I have come to a conclusion that he is officially insane.

"No, that's not it. You aren't the problem." I say as I turn back to the waterfall.

"Then why?" He asks.

Strangely, I feel like telling him everything. Everything about myself, all the troubles I've been through. Absolutely everything.

Why am I feeling like this? I just met him like a couple minutes ago.

"Are you even real?" He asks with in a strained voice.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Are you real?"

"Well, the last time I checked, I was real." He says with a shrug.

"Yeh I'm real too."

It's weird telling someone that you do exist. Probably because no one would ask a questions like that.

I think over the question and realise that if what Cameron is saying is true, then he probably is somewhere on this Earth.

Maybe I could even see him when I'm actually awake.

I clear my head of all thoughts a just stare at the waterfall.

I can't think like that. That's dangerous thinking.

I mentally shake my head at myself.

"Do you think we will remember this when we wake up?" I ask him after a while.

"I hope so." He says.

Surprised, I look at him but he's looking at the waterfall. I turn back around and we just sit there in comfortable silence, staring at the waterfall. Me not thinking about what he just said.

Like I said, dangerous thinking.

I feel this strange pull and soon I feel the familiar material of my blankets.


Thank you for whoever is reading this. I know this is pretty crappy so it means A LOT! I really am trying. Have a great day/night wherever you are. Once again thanks. xoxo

- a_lama

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