Chapter 29

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WARNING: This chapter may contain some things that people are not comfortable with reading and I advise you to read with caution.


"Get up!"

I mumble incoherent words and turn away from the voice. I feel someone shake my shoulders but I just shrug them off, wanting my sleep. Suddenly, I feel cold water splash all over my face and I jolt up, fully awake now. I wipe the water out of my face and turn to glare at the culprit.


Everything that happened comes crashing back down in full force.

So it wasn't just a dream. Speaking of dreams, I didn't have one with Cameron. I frown but my hope in him didn't diminish. I know he will come and get me. I have no doubt of that. I will be free.

Isabella snaps her fingers in front of me and I return my attention back on her. I scowl. "What the hell do you want?" I ask.

"Get up, you stink." She says while walking to the door which I notice is open. I look at the stain on my t-shirt from the water and I realise something, I need to pee. Like really badly. I get up and follow Isabella, completely ignoring her comment. She leads me down a hallway and opens up a door. She steps aside and let's me enter. I find a very big bathroom with a toilet, sink and shower. "I'll be waiting outside. There is clothes and other things you may need in there." I simply nod and enter, closing the door behind me. There are clothes neatly folded beside the sink with a toothbrush and some toothpaste. There's also a towel and a hairbrush. I quickly do my business on the toilet and decide to have a shower first, then brush my teeth.

As the hot water cascades over my body, I couldn't help but let a few stray tears slip past. All of my frustration and anger just built up and I couldn't handle it anymore. I let myself cry for a little longer but then remind myself that I have to be strong in order to get through this with my sanity in check.

There was already shampoo and conditioner in the shower so I use those and then wash my body with some soap. When I am satisfied that I am clean enough I exit the shower and wipe myself with the towel. Although to be honest I don't think I'll ever feel clean again, at least not emotionally. I still felt dirty after Zac's kiss. It left me feeling disgusting.

I quickly push those thoughts away and put on the clothes. There was a pair of cotton underwear that was still in the packet with also a new black bra. There was also blue jeans and red tank top. I brush my teeth and brush my hair which took me forever, due to all the knots I had. Once I'm done, I stand in front of the mirror just standing there. I look like a shell of what I once was. My eyes had dark circles around them and my skin looked pale. My nose was still broken and my whole body still hurt but thankfully my shower helped. Although, my senses have been getting better so I think the silver and wolfs bane is slowly leaving my body. But I'm not naive and I know that they will inject me with it again.

A banging sound comes from the door. "What are you doing in there?" Isabella shouts. I sigh.

Here we go again.

I turn the nob and I find Isabella impatiently tapping her foot with her arms crossed. I study her for a couple seconds and realise that she's actually been much nicer to me than yesterday. Curious, I raise an eyebrow. "Why are you not a complete female dog to me?"

By the way, I did not count that as a swear word/s.

Her nostrils flare and she sends a murderous glare my way.

Now I understand the term, 'if looks can kill'

"I will not be punched in the face because I did something wrong to you. Zac had learnt his lesson when he kissed you. Because you are going to be Robert's mate and he's the boss I can't do much to you anymore." She says, her voice laced with anger and frustration.

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