Chapter 30

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I wake up to the sun streaming in through the window. It hits my face and I turn away from it.

Wait. Window?

I jolt up in bed and look around. I sigh in relief and rest my head in my hands.

It wasn't a dream. I'm actually free. Although I did have terrible nightmares. I shuddered. The images still running around in my head.

I couldn't help the massive smile taking over my face. I get out of bed, but not before attempting to make it. I head out the room and go in search of Rosalyn. I find her in the kitchen making coffee. When she hears me coming she turns around and gives me one of her warm smiles.

"How'd you sleep?" She asks.

"It was probably one of the best sleeps I've had in awhile." I say and it wasn't even a lie. I may not have slept much but I felt safe, despite the nightmares and I couldn't be more thankful.

"That's good. Anyway, Kendrick has gone to work and I have to go in about an hour. I work as a teacher at the local high school and Kendrick works at a car part store." She tells me. I nod my head in understanding. "Also, there is a new toothbrush in the bathroom and I got up earlier and went to the shops. I got you a few items of clothing although I didn't really know your size, so they may or may not fit. Also you can stay as long as you want."

I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. She's clearly taken aback but it doesn't take her long to return the hug.

"You don't know how grateful I am, Rosalyn. I will do whatever it takes to repay you back. This absolutely means the world to me." I tell her stepping back, meaning every word.

She waves her hand in a dismissive gesture. "Oh, it was nothing. Anyway go freshen up, I'll have breakfast ready for you." I give her a big smile and head to the bathroom.


Rosalyn has just left for work and I sit on the coach, flipping through the channels.

Rosalyn and Kendrick will start questioning me soon. What will I tell them? I can't tell them I was kidnapped. What if I said I ran away from home? Maybe that will work but then they might ask why. I give an impatient sigh. I just wanted to be with Cameron.

My whole body still hurt and my nose was still broken but was slowly healing. Key word, slowly. The bruises were all still there, albeit slightly better than yesterday. I still had a big headache. In general though, I looked like hell.

Rosalyn had fed me breakfast and left for work. She would be coming back at around 3:30 while Kendrick will be coming earlier, 2:30ish. Right now it was 8:30.

Alone with Kendrick for an hour. I hope he isn't like Melvin. I shuddered at that thought. Hopefully he isn't.

I finally settle on Adventure Time. It has always been one of my favourite cartoons.


I am so bored!

I've been walking around the house doing absolutely nothing. After Adventure Time had finished the shows were just boring! I groan.

What do I do?

I walk over to the front door but hesitate on opening it.

The last time I went out on my own, I had gotten kidnapped.

I retract my hand.

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