Chapter 28

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I suck in a a sharp breath. "Robert?!" I screech.

He winces and says, "don't be so loud. Just because your senses has dimmed, doesn't mean mine have. So if you keep it down, I would really appreciate it."

I stare at him like he just grew a second head.

How can he talk as if there is nothing wrong?

"What the hell, Robert! How could you? Why did you do this!" I yelled not caring about his super hearing. His betrayal hurt, hurt more than it should have. I hadn't known him for long but I thought we could of been good friends.

He starts walking back and forth with his hands behind his back. "Why does anyone do what they do? Power of course. When we do the bonding ceremony-" I cut him off, outraged. "I would never do the bonding ceremony with you!" I shout with disgust. He ignores me and continues speaking as if I had never said anything. "-I will become so much more stronger and powerful. And I know your powerful. Really powerful. I saw how both you and your precious mate, Cameron, still stood after Gabriel gave out his command and you'd have to be real powerful in order to resist it." He turns back to me and flashes an evil grin. "And of course doing the bonding ceremony with you will make Cameron absolutely furious."

"Wait! You've kidnapped me just to get back at Cameron?!" I shout, my voice higher than usual.

He ignores me and turns to Isabella and Zac who were watching the whole scene with a satisfied look. "I am going to go get my suit ready for the packs anniversary ball. Isabella, I want you to look after Arianna here. Zac, you are free to go but make sure you come when I call." They both nod there head and Robert leaves, but not before giving me a smile that made my skin crawl. Zac turns and walks out without a backwards glance.

How is this the same Robert that I bumped into? I could of never imagined he'd be so cruel and evil.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Isabella cackle with laughter. "Now it's just you and me."

Crap! I need to distract her. I don't like getting slapped across the face. I mean does anybody?

I ask her the first question that pops into my head, but to be honest I have been dying to know the answer. "Why do you hate me so much?"

She looks taken back but quickly recovers. "Did you seriously think that I would let you take Cameron away from me?" She says through gritted teeth.

"Take him away from you? What are you talking about? He isn't your mate. He's my mate. You should be waiting for your mate and stop pegging for other people's mate. I can't believe you would go through this, just because I am Cameron's mate." I say incredulously.

She clearly didn't like what I said because she slaps me across the left side of my face. My head instantly jerks in the other direction. I could feel my cheek swell, just like my right one. I shut my eyes tight, not letting her see the pain in my eyes.

At least it wasn't my right cheek.

"What happened to my wolf?" I ask her, hopping this will successfully distract her. It works and her face lights up. She starts talking as if she's talking about her most favourite thing in the world.

"Do you remember when someone got a needle and injected you with something in your neck that time we kidnapped you? Well that was me. I had injected liquid silver in a mixture of wolfs bane and other things. And we all know how deadly those two are. I had actually made the mixture myself. Anyway, the silver and wolfs bane work together and it makes your wolf a lot more weaker. We injected enough to make it feel like you can't feel her but she is still there. So because your wolf isn't no where near as strong, your senses are dimmed and you won't be able to phase as well. Over time it will wear off so we'll have to re-inject you." She says, very proud of yourself.

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