Chapter 25

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I enter the clearing with a goofy smile on my face. Cameron, already being there, turns around and returns it with one of his own.

"Did we actually fall asleep on the forest floor?" I ask him.

He nods and says, "yes, I think we did."

"That's not going to be good for our backs." I say with a slight cringe.

"It's definitely worth it, if it meant I got to sleep next to you." He says, taking a seat on the log and motioning for me to do the same. I sit next to him with my head resting on his shoulder.

"I'd give up my food to sleep next to you." I say.

"Cause we all know how much you love your food." He says teasingly with a chuckle.

"Of course." I say with a grin.

We stare at the waterfall and my eyes fall upon the lake below.

"Hey, what if we jumped into that lake?" I say and nod my head in its direction.

He thinks it over and says, "well I don't know about that, but do you want to find out?"

I grin and say, "hell yeh!" I stand up and run over to the edge with Cameron beside me.

"So we just jump in?" I ask him with an eyebrow raised.

He shrugs and then jumps in. I quickly jump in after, fully clothed. The water was surprisingly warm. I resurface a couple seconds later and look for Cameron, but he is nowhere in sight. I look around with a slight frown.

Where'd you go?

He doesn't answer back and I start getting worried.

Can you die in a dream?

My wolf whimpers and that thought.

Suddenly, I feel arms around my waist and I give out a startled scream. I turn around to find Cameron laughing. I scowl and splash some water on him, making him stop laughing. He narrows his eyes at me and says, "oh it's on!"

He splashes water and it hits me right in the face. We play around in the lake until we feel the familiar tingles spreading throughout our bodies.

Cameron smiles and says, "see you in a bit."


Aren't they so cute together?


Thanks guys for your support and actually reading it. Really appreciate it.

Anyway have a great day/night wherever you are. ❤️🌊

- a_lama

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