Chapter 20

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"Oh! What about this one?" Anastasia asks my mum while holding up a purple dress.

We are currently in our third store so far and have not yet found a dress for mum. The guys are off trying to find something for Luke. So it's me, Anastasia, Megan, Victoria, Sofia and of course mum. We were going for the not too formal and not too casual look so somewhere in between.

"No, I don't think that would suit me." Mum says to Anastasia. Anastasia nods and puts it back on the rack. I continue looking through the many dresses.

"I think I found the one." Mum says in a sing song voice. We all turn and look at her. She holds up a beautiful turquoise dress. (A/N The image that is supposed to be there somewhere) She goes of to the change rooms and we follow behind her. We wait anxiously for her to reappear and when she does, all of our faces break out into smiles.

Damn. Did my mum look good. Of course not in a creepy way.

"That is definitely the one." Sofia gushes and we agree.

Mum buys the dress and we head out, and that's when I couldn't help but think about something very important.

My need for food.

"Guys we have a crisis here." I say in a very serious tone. They turn around and look at me worriedly. "What is it?" Sofia asks. "I need food." I say, still using my serious tone. Anastasia rolls her eyes while the others breath a sigh of relief. I can't help but chuckle. 

"You had me worried there for a second." Sofia says with a slight smile.

"I am serious though. Having no food is a crisis people." I say.

"Alright. I'll check in with Gabriel and see how he's doing." Sofia says. Her eyes get that glazed look when she speaks to Gabriel through their mate bond. I have noticed that everyone gets that look when they use it.

"He says that they have found an outfit for Luke and that they will meat us in the food court."

We head over to the food court and my nose is filled with the amazing aroma from all the food. We quickly claim a table that has enough seats for everyone. The guys spot us and head our way.

"How are you doing, my precious mate?" Cameron comes and takes the seat next to me, putting his arm on my shoulders. I scoot closer to him before answering.

"I'm doing okay. You?"

"I am doing absolutely great now but a couple minutes ago I was completely miserable." He says with a small pout.

"Aw is that because I wasn't with you?" I ask teasingly.

He nods and says, "yeh, it's very sad."

I'm about to respond when someone clears their throat. I send an irritated look towards where it came from. I find everyone watching us.

"Sorry to break up the love fest here, but I need some food." Logan says. I instantly perk up at the mention of food.

"What are we getting?" I ask.

"Well, what do you want?"

I pretend to think about it, tapping my index finger on my chin. Then I say, "how about everything?" 

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