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It had been two weeks after Cameron and I's bonding ceremony. I now lived in the pack house with Cameron. We honestly didn't know what to do as the Royal Wolves but we just agreed to take it as it comes. We also agreed to not tell anyone else.

Christmas was today and I was so excited. We were all currently in the main living room of the pack house, in front of the beautiful Christmas tree. There were so many gifts under it and we were going through it, one bye one.

Logan unwraps the presents that I had gotten for him. I had photocopied the photo that I took of him wearing the apron with hearts on it. I had put it in a wooden frame. Along with that, I had gotten him a Nike jacket. Once he sees the photo, his narrowed eyes lock on mine. "You did not just give me this for a present. I can't believe you still have that photo." He says.

"Well you better believe it." I say with a laugh. Logan meets Sierra's gaze and they burst out laughing.

What the hell did I just miss?

The rest of us are just looking around, trying to figure out what they are laughing at. Sierra sobers up enough to hand me a small rectangle box that was wrapped up in Santa wrapping paper. I tear it open and find out why they were laughing.

They had photocopied the photo that Logan had taken of me. Let me tell you, I looked like crap. I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

When did I get so ugly?

Everyone tries to see the photo but I place it firmly on the ground, facing downwards. I look at Logan and Sierra who were still laughing and glare at them. This just makes them laugh harder. I shake my head.

Oh well.

"Moving on." Mum says while eyeing the pair. I quickly agree with her and we continue with unwrapping our presents.

"Oh my god! I got the new Lego set! Who got this for me?" Ian exclaims. I smile and slightly raise my hand.

"That would be me." I say. He gives me an adorable smiles and throws his arms around my neck, giving me hug which I return . "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He says.

I chuckle. "Your welcome." Ian lets me go and continues to open the rest of his presents.

A hand wraps around my shoulders and I know it's Cameron's. I smile up at him. "Hey."

"Hey. I've got something for you." He says while handing me a small box. He had already unwrapped the present I gave him. It was a watch that I had seen him looking at a few times when we were at the mall.

I look at the box suspiciously. "What is it?" I ask.

"Well you can open it and find out." He says, raising an eyebrow. I look up and find everyone's eyes on us, waiting in anticipation for me to open it, so just to mess with them, I opened it very slowly. After a couple seconds of that, Logan says, "come on, woman. Open the damn present."

I laugh and stick my tongue out, but open it faster. When I do, it's a small box and my jaw drops at what's inside.

It's a pair of keys.

For a car.

I turn to Cameron and leap into his arms. I give him a kiss and say, "thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He chuckles and says, "you're welcome."

"She's like another Ian." Anastasia says. I let Cameron go and turn to glare at her. I was about to say something but Cameron got up and said, "come on. Let's go see your new car." He puts his arms out and I gladly accept. We walk to the front entrance and he opens it for us. When I see my car, my mouth drops open again.

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