Chapter 9

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I wake up with a start. I immediately regret it because of the sun coming in through the window. I slowly sit up check the time. It's 8:03.

Did that all just happen? Is Cameron real?

I slowly get up and get rid of all thoughts Cameron. I make my bed, brush my teeth and comb my hair. We will be leaving at 11 to get to Luke's. I have plenty of time. I head downstairs and find everyone already awake. We all say our good mornings and I start eating. Mum has made bacon and eggs again, not that I'm complaining though. When we are all finished mum gets Ian ready for school. Anastasia goes and takes a shower while I make Ian's lunch for school. By the time Anastasia comes out of the shower, Ian is already ready for school. I hug Ian and tell him to have a good day. When mum and Ian leave, I go and take a shower. I wear a pair of jeans and a top. The top is more on the formal side then the casual side so it should be alright.

Should I tell anyone about Cameron? They didn't tell me anything about having dreams. I don't think this is normal. Great! I'm not going to tell them.

By the time I'm out, mum is back and Anastasia is ready as well. It takes me half an hour to straighten my hair and by the time I'm finished, mum is out of the shower. I check the time and see that it's 9:30. I go into my room and read until mum tells us it's time to go. When we arrive at Luke's, it's 11:25. Megan opens the door and let's us in. When I walk through the door, the first thing I notice is the smell. It smells like lasagne, well at least I think it does. I walk into the kitchen and to my surprise I find Logan.

He wears a red apron that has cute pink hearts on it.

I can't help it, I laugh. Really hard.

I finally stop laughing and see him glaring at me.

"I'm sorry. I just can't help it. I need to take a photo." I say while still laughing slightly.

I can use my phone.

He rolls his eyes and turns back around to the lasagne. I slowly take my phone out, careful not to make any noise, and take a photo. I turned all the sound off so it doesn't make that camera sound when you take a photo. I slowly put it back in and take a seat on the chair.

"You know, I wouldn't of thought you could cook. But it smells amazing." I say.

Without turning around he says "thanks."

"Your very welcome. So who's coming today?" I ask.

"Oh a family friend. They're actually a whole family. They are the Phillips. They have two sons, Mark, who's 13 and Isaac who's 20." He says.

I nod even though he can't see me.

He puts the lasagne in the oven, turns on the timer and turns to me. He smiles at me and says "so, how's being a werewolf?"

"It's only been one day but I feel. . . Normal. The only difference really is that I hear a lot better, see a lot better and I have a massive appetite." I say.

"Well then your normal."

I raise an eyebrow at him but say nothing.

He looks down at the kitchen bench and says quietly "you know, I was really worried that you wouldn't make it. I'm just so happy you're okay."

Where did this come from?

I get off the chair and go over to him. I give him a hug. After all, werewolves love touch.

"you can't get rid of me that easily." He chuckles and I step back.

Just then the doorbell rings.

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