Chapter 32

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I open my eyes and find myself in a forest, a very familiar forest.

I was in the forest in Cameron and I's dream.

I quickly got up and I couldn't help the excited squeal that left my mouth. I ran the fastest I have ever ran. I head to the clearing and skid to a halt. I look around, hoping to find Cameron.

He was at the edge of the forest, on the other side of the clearing. When our eyes connected, the air got knocked out of me.

God, did I miss him!

I run to him and he does the same. We collide and he holds me tight against his chest while I hold onto his neck like my life depended on it. I couldn't help the small whimper.

How are you? Are you okay? Where are you? Are you safe? Who took you? How -

Slow down, Cameron.

Wait... I have my wolf back. I feel her yelp inside me in greeting. I breathe a sigh of relief, absolutely ecstatic to be with my mate and have my wolf back.



Where are you?

I'm in a small town, called Calabas Town.

That's a two hour drive from the pack house. How did you get there?

I lift my head off his shoulder and he lifts his head from my neck to look at me.

It was Robert, Zac, Isabella and Melvin. Robert was the leader and he took me to a house not far from the town.

Cameron's eyes start glowing and you can tell he's about to lose control. That's exactly what he does. He phases and snarls.

Those mutts! How dare they take my mate away from me!

I put my hand on his head, stroking his fur, trying to get him to calm down.

I will tear them limb from limb!

My own wolf did not like seeing our mate unhappy so she tries to take control and I give it to her. She phases and let me tell you, it was a relief being back in my wolf form.

My wolf rests her head against Cameron's.

Mate, calm down.

Cameron's wolf breaths in my scent and it calms him down slightly. Cameron regains control and my wolf gives me back control as well.

I lay down on the floor, still in wolf form and Cameron comes and lays his head on my back.

Tell me everything.

And I do. I tell him how it happened. All Robert's plans. Even what almost happened with Melvin, but with that one I didn't really have a choice. I didn't want to tell him but he knew there was something else and he wouldn't let it go until I told him. He had lost control all over again but luckily I had gotten him to calm down. I also told him about Rosalyn and Kendrick. We were still in our earlier positions, neither of us wanting to be away from each other.

Tell me about what's been happening at home.

Everyone is worried about you and we hadn't stopped looking for you, not even for a second. The only reason I am sleeping right now, is because I could some how feel you. I don't know, I can't explain it. Anyway, we had asked everyone in the pack about your whereabouts but no one had said that they knew where you were. We had to lock up a few people because they kept losing control. Myself included. I was so worried about you, Arianna. You have no idea. It felt like I was dying.

He lets out a small whimper and I died on the inside. I never wanted that sound to come out of my mate again. It had sounded so sad. So heartbroken.

I'm sorry I was stupid enough to get kidnapped.

Cameron lets out a small growl. It's not your fault. Don't ever think like that again.

I don't respond and we were both just content to be close to each other. Soaking in each other's touch while we could. Soon we feel the tingles spread through our bodies. I couldn't help the growl that came out.

Not now. It's too soon.

I will get you back, mate. We will be together again soon.

That's the last thing I remember.


Hey beautiful people!

I'm so happy that they have spoken once again. Thanks for reading! Sorry for any mistakes or that you just didn't like this chapter. Let me know what you thought about it in the comments and don't forget to vote.

Have a great day/night wherever you are. ❤️😘

- a_lama

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