Chapter 19

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I open my eyes but quickly shut it, due to the blinding sunlight coming from the window. When I try opening up my eyes again, I do it slowly. I sit up in my bed and stretch. I twist my wrist and find that it is perfectly normal.

Being a werewolf definitely has it's perks.

Instinctively, my mind reaches out for Cameron.


Morning beautiful.

I smile to myself.

I'll see you at 12.

Can't wait!

After that I check the time and find that it is 10:24. I hear people talking downstairs and the shuffling of their feet. Luke, Logan and Megan are probably already here.

Better get up.

I go through my morning routine and head downstairs. I find everyone in the kitchen and when I enter they all say good morning.

"I honestly don't know how you guys can wake up so early." I complain to no one in particular.

They all chuckle. We all eat breakfast and get ready. We are out of the house at 11:30. We take two cars since we couldn't fit all in one car.

We stop at a large black gate. On the side, there was a keypad. Luke types in a very long number and there was a loud beep. The gates slowly open and we drive through. The property had a long driveway which led up to the house. As we drove, I noticed that there was flowers lining the driveway. When we reached the house, my jaw dropped open. The house was massive! It's probably a mansion. It looked to be three stories high with white columns running down the front. There was a set of really high wooden doors and both had a handle. In front stood two guys in black suits, standing guard. The house had many windows with curtains covering them from the inside. We stop in front of the entrance and get out.

"This is the pack house." Mum explains to Anastasia and I.

A guy, that came out of nowhere, greets us and Luke hands both car keys over to him. We walk over to the entrance and both guards greet us.

"The Alpha is waiting for you." The left guard says in an emotionless voice. With that, both guards open the door and my jaw drops almost immediately.

The inside of the house is amazing!

I start walking inside. The floor is made of white marble. The staircase that is in front of us is also made of marble. There are many paintings along the wall but none of these are watch catches my eyes. There is a massive chandelier on the ceiling. The one at the ball doesn't even come close in comparison. It is so big that it covers most of the ceiling. It is made out of some sort of clear crystal. I don't realise I have stopped walking until Megan grabs my wrist and pulls me forward. We climb the stairs and head to a large room. It had a fireplace with a painting of a man and women. They are in each other's arms, staring lovingly at the other.

They are a very good looking couple.

I turn away from the painting. My eyes are drawn to the one person I have been waiting to see.


My face splits into a big smile and he returns it wholeheartedly. He walks over to me and engulfs me in a hug. I hug him back, not caring who sees. I mean it's a hug after all. We hold onto each other until someone clears their throat. We pull back from each other and Cameron stands by my side. I find everyone already seated. Gabriel sits next to a beautiful woman with light brown eyes and dark brown hair. She gives me a wide smile and I give her a small one back.

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