Chapter 18

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I open my eyes and I see the woods. I can't help the grin that quickly appears on my face. I head into the direction of the clearing. It takes me no time at all, since I have memorised the way there. When I reach the clearing I find Cameron already there. He turns around and gives me a brilliant smile.

That smile is going to be the death of me.

He chuckles.

Hold on, can he hear my thoughts in the dreams?

I study him and he gives me a sheepish smile.

I narrow my eyes and say, "you can, can't you?"

"I can" he says and steps towards me. We both walk towards each other until we are only inches apart. We stare at each other for a while until Cameron breaks the silence. "I told you we are mates." He says with a cocky grin.

I roll my eyes and say, "yeah, yeah. You were right."

Next thing I know, I find myself in Cameron's arms. I wrap my arms around him, without hesitation. I felt safe and at home in his arms. We stand in each other's embrace until I finally step out of his arms, although not without my wolf whining in protest.

Cameron starts walking towards the log and motions for me to sit next to him. I take a seat and his arm comes around my shoulder.

"The ball was fun." I say.

"It definitely was, since I got to meet you." He says.

I give him a shy smile and in return he gives me a huge grin.

If he keeps grinning at me like that, I'm going to be chocolate pudding.

Cameron's grin grows even wider and he gives me a knowing smile.

Right, he can hear me. Great!

He gives my shoulder a squeeze and says, "you know, you could listen to my thoughts as well."

"I don't know about that. I'm sure you like your privacy." I say.

"When it comes to you, I don't mind." He says with a shrug of his shoulders.

I look into his eyes and I hesitantly reach into his mind. The best way I could describe it was, imagining my mind going into his. There was nothing at first but then I felt it. It was hard to concentrate on one specific thing but there was one thing in particular that I felt. It made me feel special and I soon realised it was love. His love for me.

My eyes widen and my mind is once again with me. Startled, I look away and stare at my feet.

He loves me? How can he? I'm just me and he hasn't known me for long.

Cameron gently raises my chin so I am forced to look at him.

I have loved you from the moment my eyes met yours. Please don't deny my love for you. I am your mate and you are mine. You may not love me yet, but I will wait until you do. I don't want to rush you.

I let his words sink him. I thought about everything and realised that I do love him. I tried saying that I love him but it wouldn't come out.

I'm not ready yet. Could I be anymore stupid?

I mentally roll my eyes at myself. Cameron lifts my chin with his index finger, forcing me to meet his gorgeous eyes.

I know you love me, Arianna. I will wait.

How did I get so lucky?

I give him a small smile and he returns it with one of his own. I look away from his mesmerising eyes and turn to look at the waterfall. We fall into a comfortable silence for a while. I think about everything that has happened to me in the past couple of weeks. Something catches my attention as I skim through my memories.

No one ever mentioned mates having dreams together. I turn to Cameron and ask him why. He looks surprised by my question but it quickly turns into confusion.

Well this can't be good.

"No other mates have been able to do what we can. At least not that I know of. I'll have to ask my father about that." Cameron says.

I nod and turn back to the waterfall. Soon I feel the now familiar pull, beckoning for me to wake up. I let myself drift off until there is nothing but darkness.


Yay! Another chapter done. Thanks for all your support guys! Sorry for all the mistakes. Have a great day/night wherever you are.

- a_lama

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