Chapter 27

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I wake up with a massive headache which is weird because I haven't had a headache since my transformation. I groan and open my eyes but immediately shut it due to the harsh light. I open my eyes much slower this time and reach my hand out to touch my forehead but fall short when I can't move my hands. I whip my head to the side where my hand is but instantly regret. My head starts spinning and I shut my eyes waiting for the nausea and dizziness to stop. When it finally does, I open up my eyes and look at my right hand. When I do, my eyes widen with shock and surprise.

My wrists are tied to the armrests of a chair.

Both my feet are tied to the legs of the chair.

My waist is tied to the back of the chair.

How did I not know that I was sitting on a chair, let alone tied to it.

For the first time, I look around the room. It looked like I was in a basement, although it wasn't like any basement I've ever seen. I realise that my senses aren't nearly as good as it was before. This basement looked expensive, like really expensive. I sat in the middle of the room in a wooden chair. There was a pool table on my right and a ping pong table on my left. There was a couple couches littered around the room with the stairs on my far left. The walls were painted grey and the floor was carpeted. There were lights on the wall which were all turned on. But what it was missing was windows. My way of escaping.

Obviously there wouldn't be windows. Dump people wouldn't kidnap someone and put them in a room with a way out. I sigh in frustration.


He doesn't reply after a few minutes and I realise something.

I couldn't feel my wolf.

And that's when the panicking starts. I struggle against the weird material holding me to this chair. I didn't know what it was, but it was a very strong material and it stung a bit. I struggled until my wrists were rubbed raw. I let out a frustrated sigh.

Helpless. That's how I felt and I hated it. Absolutely hated it. Just when I stopped feeling it, I felt it again.

I hear footsteps on the stairs and turn to find a pair of familiar blue eyes.


Why am I not surprised that he is my kidnapper?

"Huh, you're awake." He says, slightly surprised.

"Get me out of here, Zac!" I shout and start struggling with the restrains that tied me to this chair.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He says.

And just to humour him I ask, "and why's that?"

"Well, they're made with the most deadliest thing known to werewolves." He says, pleased with himself.

I give him a blank look.

What is he talking about?

He gets frustrated with the lack of my response. "It's made with silver." He says through gritted teeth.

Realisation dawns on me, but I still keep my blank look on, not giving away my emotions.

I remember Luke mentioning that before.

He gets frustrated yet again and his eyes go back and forth to his wolf and human eyes. He rears back his hand and slaps me right across the right side of my face. Pain instantly irrupts in my cheek and I could already feel it starting to swell. It would have already been healed if I still had my wolf, but I don't so it will stay like that for a while. Unless of course he decides to slap me again. I turn my attention back to Zac who looks pretty smug with himself.

That stupid mutt!

I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying anything stupid, because I know he would hit me again. It's no use trying to fight him if I'm stuck in a chair and he's not. He immediately has the power over me. I look at anywhere but him. He gives an impatient huff and grabs hold of my chin and moves my head so that I am facing him, not being gentle at all. I am forced to look at him and I meet his stare head on. And then he does the unthinkable.

He smashes his lips onto mine and I struggle to get myself away from him. He holds my chin even tighter, tight enough to leave a mark. His tongue brushes my lips, wanting access. I struggle even harder then, wanting nothing else but to get away from him.

I felt violated. My mate should be the only one with the right to do that.

I haven't even had my first kiss, let alone my first kiss with Cameron. This is the worst first kiss ever.

"Now now now. I don't think boss would be happy about this. After all, he does want her as his mate." A very familiar voice says.

Zac immediately breaks away from me and I give him the most deadliest glare, knowing I can't do anything else. I turn my head to the stairs where an all too familiar red head stands.


So my attacker doesn't actually have three arms.

I scowl and she gives me a sickly sweet smile with a finger wave. "Did you miss me?" She says while walking towards me and Zac.

"You wish." I spit out. I couldn't help myself from answering.

"Oh I don't think you should be talking to your captures like that." She says while shaking her head in mock disapproval.

I only roll my eyes, not giving her a response. "Anyway, like I said before, boss will be here soon and you should show some respect." She says while crossing her arms. And that's when I actually process what she said.

Boss? They have a boss?! What did she say before? Mate. That's right. He wants me to be his mate.

I feel bile rise at the back of my throat but I swallow it back down, not wanting to vomit everywhere and give them a response.

Suddenly, Isabella cheers, looking at the stairs. "Boss is here!" I follow her line of sight and I could not stop my eyes from widening and my jaw from dropping

My kidnapper was not Zac, but Robert.


Hey beautiful people! How are we all doing? I also want to know how you felt about this chapter? Was it predictable? I really wanna know the answers so let me know in the comments.

Sorry for any mistakes because I am sure there will be some. Also sorry for the shortness of this chapter.

Anyway have a great day/night wherever you are. ❤️⛓

- a_lama

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