Chapter 11

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I open my eyes and turn my head towards my alarm clock.

It's 7:49.

I met Cameron again. Will I ever meet him in person?

I hear Megan saying "do you want me to wake her up?"

What is she doing here?

I get up and quickly make my bed. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. I go downstairs and find Luke, Logan and Megan.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"Hey, I woke up early for this okay so you could at least be nice." Logan says.

"And what is 'this' anyway?" I ask while do air quotation marks with my hands when saying 'this'.

"you and Anastasia need to phase and some of us need to phase as well."


My wolf yips at the mention of phasing.

"Wait, we are going to phase. Can Isaac come?" Anastasia asks while walking down the stairs. Mum looks at Luke and he nods.

Anastasia smiles and says "thank you so much."

Just then my stomach growls and everyone laughs.

I don't even realise I'm hungry until I hear my stomach.

"Sorry guys" I say with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, honey. I haven't made anything yet." Mum says.

"Relax mum. I'll have cereal. Besides someone's got to finish it. Anyone else want some?"

"I'll have some." Anastasia says.

I sit down when I have my cereal and eat. While I eat I'm aware of everyone's eyes on me.

"Why don't you guys take a picture? It'll last longer." I say sarcastically.

Logan actually takes a photo on his phone and grins smugly. "That photo you just took is nothing compared to the photo I took of you yesterday." I say with a smug grin.

Everyone is confused, even Logan, but then a look of realisation crosses his face.

"You didn't." He says with narrowed eyes.

"I believe I did."

"You're going to delete that Arianna. Or else. . . " he says, still thinking of how to finish.

"Or else what, Logan?" I challenge.

He thinks for a second and then says "I'll send it to everyone on my contacts list."

He says with a smug smile.

"You won't" I say.

"Why wouldn't I?" He says.

"Because you love me too much, Logan." I say and give him my best puppy dog eyes.

"You're lucky I love you, Arianna."

"And I'm thankful for it everyday." I say and while I say it, I look at Luke, Logan and Megan.

I finish off my cereal and wash my dishes.

I pat Logan on the shoulder and say "don't worry Logan. You look adorable in the photo."

I wink at him and then head upstairs to go take a shower.

I wear jeans and a tank top. I let my hair air dry and walk downstairs.

I find everyone in the living room besides my mum.

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