Chapter 34

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There were rainbows made out of rainbow lollies. There were gummy bears playing around. The sky had fairy floss clouds and it was pouring chocolate milk. The trees and plants were made out of marshmallows. There was burgers walking around on their fry legs. There was a river with chocolate milk and pizza floating in it.

Now this is what heaven should look like.

I was currently talking to Mr Gummybear about his little gummy children.

"Arianna. Arianna. Please wake up." Mr Gummybear suddenly says.

Confused, I say, "what?"

A blinding light flashes in my eyes and I instantly shut them. I open up my eyes slowly and find Cameron looking down at me. I sit up and frown.

"Your not Mr Gummybear." I say.

Cameron ignores my comment and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I return the hug and he releases me to start pestering me with questions. "How are you? How are you feeling? What do you remember? Are you in any pain?"

I ignore him and look around. I was in what looked to be a hospital room. I sat on the bed in hospital scrubs.

Who changed my clothes?

I look around and find my family and friends standing around the bed, looking at me with worried expressions.

I think back to what happened. Stupid Robert had stabbed me. My wolf got angry at that thought and I had to think happy thoughts (all about Cameron) in order for her to calm down.

"Guys, I'm fine." I reassure everyone. Which wasn't even a lie. My shoulder hurt a little but that's about it. They give me their looks of doubt and I roll my eyes. "I'm serious. I'm fine." I say again. No one says anything and I sigh in frustration.

"Will someone please say something."

And that's when all hell breaks loose. Half of them are crying and the other half is growling.

What the hell is going on?

I look around, my eyes wide. What do I do?

I look over at Cameron for help but he isn't control of his wolf either. He grips onto the bed sheets and his knuckles are white. He's breathing heavily now and I know I'll have to do something.

I place my hand onto his cheek and he instantly leans into it. I pull him towards me and put his head in the crook of my neck. He inhales my scent and calms down. I rub soothing circles on his back.

You okay?

There's too many males in this room. In the room that you are in.

I reluctantly detach myself from Cameron but only to have him climb into the bed with me. Not like I'm complaining or anything. Everyone was still in hysterics.

This is a mess.

"Guys!" I shout. No one listens. "Guys!" I shout louder this time. Still no one listens. I huff in frustration. "Guys!" I shout and this time use a little bit of my Alpha power. This instantly shuts them up and they all straighten up, waiting for me to speak.

"About time." I mutter under my breath.

"I need you all to leave." I state.

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