Chapter 33

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I jolt up awake with the biggest smile I've ever had.


Right here. Let me tell everything to the others. I'll be back soon.

I couldn't help but frown. It's sad he had to go but obviously he has to in order to tell everyone about my whereabouts. I quickly get up, making the bed. I go through my morning routine, trying to distract myself from Cameron. But who am I kidding? Nothing could get him out of my head. My wolf was excited, yelping around and I can definitely say I was excited too. After such a long wait, I can be back with my mate.

I need to tell Rosalyn and Kendrick that I'll be going soon.

I head over to the kitchen in search of them both. Kendrick reads the news paper while Rosalyn is drinking coffee. When she sees me, she instantly gives me a smile.

"Good morning." She chirps happily. Kendrick nods his head in greeting.

I give them a small smile. "Morning." After a small pause I decide to just dive in. "I will be living soon."

They both look up at me with surprised looks. "Soon? When is soon?" Rosalyn asks.

"Soon as in a couple hours soon." I reply, fidgeting with my shirt.

"Oh." She says, her mouth set in a small frown. I go over to her and engulf her in a hug. "Thank you for everything. I will repay you some day. I promise." I say and release her. She instantly shakes her head. "No need. I wanted to do this, so you are not paying me back." I nod my head in defeat but I know I will do something to repay her back, whether she wants me to or not.

I then turn to Kendrick who was already looking at me. He had an unreadable expression and I really wanted to know what he thought.

How do I show my gratitude to Kendrick?

I slowly walk over to Kendrick and hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder. He instantly stiffens at the contact but I don't remove my hand. "Thanks Kendrick for everything. We may or may not have gotten along but you had let me stay and I will forever be grateful." I say and give a little squeeze to his shoulder. I let go and give a final smile. He returns it with a stiff one of his own, as if he doesn't smile often.

He probably doesn't. At least not to anyone but his wife.

"Where are you going?" Rosalyn asks me and I turn to face her.

I smile. "I'll be going back home."

A confused look crosses her face until it's gone. "Oh, so you've sort out all the problems at home?"

"Something like that." I say vaguely.


I sat on the bed with a bag Rosalyn had let me have. She had said for me to take all the clothes that she had bought me and I didn't argue with her. Cameron and everyone else had left an hour and a half ago.

Half an hour left.

I put all my clothes and items into the bag and then just stare around the room.

I am definitely going to miss this place but I would rather be with Cameron. No doubt about that. I'm especially going to miss Rosalyn, even Kendrick and Ruby.

I exit the room with my bag. I hear both Kendrick and Rosalyn in the living room so I head over there. As I enter, they turn to look at me and Rosalyn offers me a smile which I return.

I clear my throat. "I'll be leaving soon." Rosalyn nods her head with a small frown while Kendrick doesn't respond at all.

Typical Kendrick.

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