Chapter 6

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It takes us half an hour to get to his house. I get what he meant when he said his house is much more secluded. His house is literally in the middle of nowhere. There are trees everywhere surrounding the house. Probably a forest.

Well they are werewolves. And I will be one by the end of this day.

When we go up closer I see that it's actually a pretty big house. When we walk inside the house, Luke gives us a quick tour. It's a double story house with six bedrooms. There is two empty rooms. Each having a set of hand cuff looking things.

I bet I could guess what that is for.

They have an entertainment room and two bathrooms. Their kitchen and living room is very big and spacious. We all settle down on the couch and I look for a clock. There is a clock in the corner of the room and I see that it's 9. I start getting nervous all over again and I begin to fidget with a cushion.

I have around an hour. Holy crap!

"Arianna, calm down. It will all be fine." Logan says.

I give him a small smile and look at the floor. Luke starts addressing me and Anastasia  "now this is how we are going to do this. You guys will each go into the empty rooms you saw earlier. When the transformation begins we are going to have to put the hand cuffs on your hands and feet. I'm sorry about that, it's just that during the transformation your wolf will be very reckless and might hurt someone." He pauses and we both nod. "Logan and Sally with be staying with Arianna and Megan and I will stay with Anastasia. Are you ok with that or do you want to change it?" He asks. 

I say "I'm good" and Anastasia nods her head in agreement.

"Ok good. Now the transformation will last awhile. It depends on the person on how long the transformation will last for." He then looks at Logan and nods.

"Look, the transformation will be very painful. So expect the worst. I know this is going to be very hard but you have to stay strong, ok." Logan says.

We both nod and I continue staring at the floor. I look at the clock and see that it's 9:15. I start fidgeting with a cushion again.

Oh god! I'm a nervous wreck!

We sit there in painful silence for a couple minutes. I finally look up and say "so what do we do in the meantime?" Luke shrugs while Logan says "well we could always watch TV." I nod my head and Logan turns the TV on.

The TV becomes a good distraction because I didn't t know it was 10ish until I hear Anastasia groan in pain. I quickly turn around and help her stand. Luke and Logan take over from there and carry her upstairs. I follow them upstairs and stand in the doorway. Logan and Luke have put the hand cuffs on her wrist and ankles. Her face is filled with so much pain.

Just then my own pain begins. It starts from my spine and spreads throughout my body. I cry our in pain and fall to my knees. Luke and Logan turn their attention to me and start carrying me to my own room. They put the cuffs on and Luke goes back to Anastasia. By now the pain has increased and I can't think about anything else.

It feels like the inside of my body is on fire and my organs are being ripped apart.

I groan out in pain and collapse on the floor. I hear voices but I can't make them out. I can't concentrate enough to make out the words. It feels like forever but it's probably only been a couple minutes.

It's too much for me and I pass out.

When I wake I find myself in even more pain but I mange to open my eyes. The first thing I see is my hands, well what used to be hands. Now they are paws.

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