Chapter 17

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I turn around. He's standing a few feet from me. He looks even more gorgeous in person. He wears a black suit. He steps closer. His eyes are glowing.

Well he's mad.

My wolf yipping, wanting to take control. I quickly calm down.

"I said, get your hands off her. Now!" He yells, his voice oozing with Alpha power. Zac immediately let's go and takes a step back.

Oh that feels so much better.

I'm going to kill him!

What! Holy crap! That's Cameron! In my head!

Yes, it's me and I'm going to kill the one that hurt you.

I lift up my wrist and examine it. It's already turning purple. I cringe. I look at Zac and glare at him. He doesn't do anything, just stands there. Cameron comes to me and reaches for my hand. Reluctantly, I give it. He looks my wrist over, careful not to touch it.

Does it hurt?

Only when I move it or touch it.

"Where is that mongrel?" Logan yells.

He called him a mongrel!

I can't help but find that funny.

He pushes everyone away and spots me. He runs over to me and asks, "Arianna, are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I tell him.

He looks me over and his eyes zero in on my wrist. His eyes start glowing.

Great! Because one angry wolf isn't enough.

Logan gently lifts up my wrist.

Arianna, what is he to you?

My brother.

Relief washes over me.

Hold on, why am I feeling relieved?

I look at Cameron and he gives me a sheepish look.

Right, I can feel your emotions.

"Omg, Arianna! Are you ok?" Anastasia comes storming through, followed by Isaac and Sierra.

"I'm fine." I tell them.

"Who did this to you? Was it Damien? I'm going to kill him!" She asks, her eyes starting to glow as well.

"No, Anastasia. He did not touch me."

This can't be good.

Anastasia looks around and she zeroes in on Zac. "He did this, didn't he?" She growls.

I just nod.

I look around and see Logan and Cameron stepping towards him.

Cameron! You can't kill him!

He doesn't listen or respond.

He can't die! He barely did anything. I need to find a way to stop this.

I look around and find Isaac walking towards them as well.

Not him too.

I hear pushing and shoving coming from my right so I look in that direction. Robert, Lucas and Brandon come rushing to me asking me if I'm okay. "Guys, I'm fine!"

"Who did this?" Brandon asks.

"Take a guess." I tell him.

They look around and they spot Zac. Before I can say anything else, they run off to join the guys. Cameron grabs Zac's shirt and thrusts him backward. He falls onto the ground with a thump.

Royal Wolves [Book 1: Royal Series] Where stories live. Discover now