Chapter 13

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That was too short! I already miss him. Darn you, Cameron, for being so perfect.

I groan and turn around to check the time.


Wow! I'm up early for once. I should make breakfast for everyone. What should I make? Hmm I'll make some pancakes. Pretty easy and we have the mix already.

I get up, make my bed, take a shower and brush my teeth. I check on everyone and see that everyone is still sleeping. I go downstairs and grab the pancake mix. I get everything I need and start making the pancakes.

I have made 10 pancakes by the time mum is up.

"Oh, Arianna. You shouldn't have." She says.

"It's the least I can do." I say with a dismissive wave of my hand.

By the time everyone is up, I've made enough for everyone. We all eat and go get ready to go to the shops. P

Luke, Logan and Megan will be here in around an hour and Isaac is joining us.


Since I've already had a shower, I just change. By the time we are all ready, Luke, Logan, Megan and Isaac are here. I grab my wallet and we are out.

When we enter, I cringe with how loud everything is.

"You'll get used to it." Mum says and I nod.

After an hour, Megan and Anastasia have already bought their dresses.

Anastasia, Megan and I are the only ones who need to buy clothes for the ball, so now I am the only one we are all waiting for. We buy lunch and sit down.

"You are impossible, you know that, right?" Logan complains.

"Hey, picking a dress is hard work you know. It's not easy." I say.

Logan rolls his eyes and continues eating.

"You guys are like cats and dogs. Always fighting." Isaac says.

Logan and I both glare at him and stick our tongue out.

The whole table erupts with laughter.

We finish eating and we start looking for a dress again. Everyone has shown me dresses but I have denied them all.

We walk out of yet another store and start again.

That's when something catches my eye.

Holy crap! I found it.

It's purple at the top and has pink and peach at the bottom. Like an ombré effect. It's sleeveless and has a v-neckline. It probably would reach the floor.

I stop dead in my tracks and turn the Anastasia and Megan.

I point at the dress and we walk into the store. I find the dress and I try it on. I walk out of the change room and find everyone waiting.

"So how do I look?" I ask them.

No one answers right away and I start doubting the dress.

"Oh my gosh, Arianna! You look beautiful!" Megan says.

"Thanks. What about you guys?" I ask the rest.

Everyone compliments me and I go to take off the dress. As I put the dress back on the hanger, I see the price tag.

It's $260! Holy crap! I can't get this. I only have $200. I so loved this dress. Great. Just my luck.

I exit the change room and find everyone still waiting.

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