Chapter 16

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Holy crap! Damien is here. He's a werewolf and he's here. Crap, crap, crap, crap

Maybe I should just walk away and hope he doesn't see me. I walk in the opposite direction.

I think I made it.

I take a couple more steps before I hear him.

"Arianna, wait!"


Not wanting to cause another scene, I slowly turn around and see him a few feet away. He wears a black suit with his hair styled.

Should I be panicking? At least there's a crowd.

He's a a feet away when he stops walking.

I'm glad there's some space between us.

I cross my arms. "What do you want, Damien?" I demand.

He flinches and says, "Arianna, can we talk. Somewhere private?" His voice isn't strong and cocky like I remember it. It sounds broken.

What is happening? Should I go?

I look around and find people looking at us.

I don't want to make a scene.

When I don't answer him, he says, "please, just give me 5 minutes." I look at him. His shoulders are slouched. He doesn't look like his confident self.

Might as well but I am officially insane. Besides people have heard this conversation. If I get killed they know who it is.

I slowly nod and he looks relieved. He turns around and heads for the entrance. I slowly follow him and we exit the hall. He leads me to a wooden bench and he sits down. I refuse to sit down next to him. I stand a few feet away from him. When he doesn't say anything immediately I say, "hurry up, Damien. You only have 5 minutes."

He sits up straighter and says, "right. Okay. I'm going to start off by saying sorry. I'm sorry, Arianna for all the pain I've caused. I never meant it to hurt you. I truly am sorry. I know you may not forgive me and I understand. I only did ever, well bully you, to get your attention." He takes a deep breath and continues. "I had a crush on you, the start of high school. In 7th grade I tried getting your attention but nothing ever worked and you never even looked my way. I didn't know what to do. So I bullied you to try and get your attention. I know I shouldn't of. I just couldn't think of anything else. When I look back, I know it was very stupid. In fact it's one if the most stupid and dumbest thing I have ever done. I truly am sorry." He takes a deep breath and stares at the ground. I stare at him, dumbfounded.

Holy crap! Are you serious? He had a crush on me? He bullied me for years because he had a stupid crush on me.

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my anger at bay, and say, "are you serious, Damien? You did all this because you had a crush on me? A crush? Do you know how I felt? I went home every day, crying. I barely ate any food. I cried myself to sleep, every night. Do you know how hard it was for me? I thought I did something wrong or I did something to you. For hours I would just lay in bed, crying and trying to think why you bullied me, Damien. I felt so bad about myself." I try to keep my voice from breaking and not crying. Unfortunately, my voice sounds so weak, even I can tell. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "You know, you could of just spoken to me, instead of 'trying to get my attention'. That would have been so much easier, for both of us." I say.

He finally looks up and I'm surprised to see tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Arianna. I'm so, so sorry." He says and he starts crying. Like actually crying. Tears stream down his face and he leans forward, putting his elbows on his knees with his head in his hands.

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