Chapter 26

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I open my eyes to find my favourite pair of hazel eyes looking down at me. Cameron gives me his amazing smile and I am grateful that I am already on the floor, otherwise my knees would have totally given up and I would be on the floor.

"Morning beautiful." He says.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. The sun was just starting to rise. I put a hand through my hair and I find twigs and leaves in it.

I must look terrible.

"You still think I'm beautiful when I look like this?" I ask him incredulously.

"I would find you beautiful even if you were covered in mud." He says with a shrug.

I grimace at that thought. "Let's just hope I wont be covered in mud."

He chuckles and stands up, offering me his hand. I take it gratefully and am pulled up. I stretch and then cringe.

My body hurts and is really stiff.

"I told you it wasn't going to be good sleeping on the forest floor. My body kills." I complain.

I'm about to complain some more but am cut short when I am lifted off the floor. Cameron holds me bridal style and I hold onto his neck, not wanting to fall.

"Cameron! What are you doing?" I ask him, my eyes wide.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to carry you to the car." He says and gives me a 'duh' look, while already walking.

"What? No! I'm fine. Put me down. I can walk" I say.

"Doesn't your body hurt?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, my body is fine." I lie.

I really didn't want him to carry me. I'm sure his own body hurts. I'll just be extra weight.

"Don't lie to me, Arianna. I can tell when you lie and besides I can read your thoughts remember?" He says, shaking his head disapprovingly.

I cringe. Forgot about that.

I can still here you.

I sigh in frustration. "Come on, Cameron. I can walk. I'll be fine. I'm not a baby."

"That's right. Your not a baby, your my mate. I will always be here for you and I will always provide for you. If you are in pain and there's something I can do about it, I will. And right now what I can do is carry you, so please let me carry you. I need this. My wolf needs this. We both need to provide for you." He says in an urgent voice, his eyes slightly glowing.

I sigh. There's obviously nothing I can say to change his mind. Is there?

No there's not.

I refrain for rolling my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder.

Might as well get comfy.

Soon we arrive at his car which was parked on the edge of the forest. Cameron picked me up so he is the way I'll be getting home. I look at Cameron, waiting for him to let me go.

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