Chapter 15

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When we arrive at the hall, the parking lot is already almost full. Since we brought two cars we had to park separately. When we finally found parking we all meet up at the hall entrance. There are two guards at the entrance and there's guards walking around everywhere.

I look at Logan and raise an eyebrow. He just shrugs.

We walk up to the guards, Luke states his full name. They step aside and we enter.

The first thing I see is the massive chandelier hanging in the middle of the room.

It's so beautiful!

The light reflects on it, making it look like diamonds. I look around and see that everyone is dressed similarly, in dresses and suits.

Why is everyone so beautiful?

I look around and see tables filled with food and drinks, set up.

Thank God! I can just see myself spending most of my time next to those tables.

There is a jazz band playing softly in the background.

"Alright, you guys can go socialise with everyone. Sally, Ian and I are going to meet the Alpha." Luke says.

We all nod and they leave. "So, what are we doing?" I ask everyone.

"Me and Anastasia are going to go meet my parents. We'll see you later." Isaac says.

I raise an eyebrow at Anastasia and she gives me a nervous smile. "Looks like it's just us then." I say to Megan and Logan. Megan gives me a sheepish smile and says, "actually, I'm gonna go see my friends."

"Oh. Well then, see ya later."

She smiles and walks away.

I turn to Logan and say "are you going to leave me too?"

"No, I won't leave you. Don't worry. I'm not that bad." He says.

Oh good. I thought I was going to be a loner.

"Come on. Let's get some food." Logan says. I nod and we head to the table. As we walk, I notice people staring in our direction.

"Hey, I think people are staring at ya." I say to Logan when we reach the tables. He looks at the crowd and then turns back to me.

He gives me a big smile and says, "they are staring at you, not me." I turn around and look at crowd. When people see me looking they quickly look away. I turn back around, but say nothing. I grab some sort of pastry and take a bite.

Oh, this is soo good.

"Let me introduce you to some of my friends. Don't worry, they're really nice and I'm sure you'll like them." He says.

Oh great! I am so gonna screw this up.

I give Logan a nervous smile and nod. He leads me to a group of people. They're two females and three males.

Here's yet another bunch of beautiful people.

When they see us they smile and give us a questioning look. When we reach them they greet Logan and one of the guys asks "Now, who are you?" He says it politely and with a warm smile.

"Guys, this is Arianna. She's my sister" Logan says.

He called me his sister. Yay

I smile and say, "it's nice to meet you all." They all smile, giving questioning looks at Logan, and say the same.

"Arianna, this is Jonathan, Aaron, Rebecca, Lily and Jacob. Lilly and Jacob are mates." Logan says.

"So, when did this whole, sibling thing, happen?" Aaron asks. Logan doesn't say anything right away so I answer.

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