Chapter 3

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It was easy to shove everything from the night before into the back of my mind. So easy, I was convinced it was all an odd dream. I go through my morning routine as usual, barely giving myself a second glance or thought. Any mention of wolves was left with the night as I threw my curtains open, sunlight burning any remnants of tiredness away.

It isn't till I head downstairs to find six faces instead of the usual three that I stop short. The conversations from last night come rushing out of the bin I had shoved them in.

Werewolves. Mum being a werewolf. Me being half and going to become one.

"Ah, you're awake!" Mum exclaims, drawing attention to my still form. I forced myself to swallow the lump in my throat and met Anastasia's eyes. She tilts her head to the seat next to it and I make my way there, murmuring a hello to everyone.

"We came to see how you guys were doing," Luke explains and mum gives me an apologetic smile. It placates me only a little, the strong feeling being caught off guard lingering bitterly. Being surprised with people first thing in the morning was just not my idea of a fun time but I forced all of that down. These people were important to mum and by extension, now important to me.

"I'm doing okay," I say, throwing on a smile. "Just still a lot to take in."

Ana hums in agreement. "Thought it was a dream when I woke up."

I snort at her words. "Me too."

Luke chuckles. "Well, your mother and I are here to help you guys sort everything out."

Mum nods in agreement to his words and I don't miss the way she clasps onto his hand.

"so, what's the plan for the day?" Logan asks and I turn my attention to him.

Anastasia says "why don't we go shopping?"

Typical Anastasia, but I could buy a new dress for the graduation.

Megan says, "yeh, can we? I need new shoes." Everyone agrees and we are out in no time.  When we arrive there I ask anyone if they want anything to drink. Megan and Anastasia have a coffee and me, Logan and Ian get milkshakes. Ian gets vanilla while Logan and I get chocolate. As we are walking around I notice a group of girls, roughly around the age 16 or 17, keep looking in our way. I quickly figure out that they are looking at Logan. I walk next to him and ask him if he knows those girls.

He looks at them and says "no, I don't know them."

"So why are they staring at you like that?" I ask. He shrugs and keeps walking.

Megan, overhearing our conversation, comes up next to me and says "they are werewolves from our pack and most people in the pack know Logan."

I look at her confused and she says "Logan helps a lot in our pack and is respected by our Alpha. Our Alpha is one of the most powerful in the world actually."

I smile and nod my head as if I knew exactly what she was talking about. Spoiler alert; I didn't. 

We go into many shops and Anastasia helps Megan with getting new clothes, although she doesn't need it. I like shopping too, but not as much as Anastasia. I buy myself a plain baby pink dress and white heels to go with it. When we are all hungry we get some food and sit down. When we finish our food we all agree to go home. We arrive home and we sit on the lounge and watch TV.

A couple minutes later Anastasia asks "what's going to happen on our birthday?"

Luke answers and says "well Sally and I have spoken about this and we have agreed for me, Logan and Megan to come over at six and then we all go over to my place. It's much more secluded. Since you guys were born around 10 am, the transformation is most likely going to happen around that time. Then we are going to make preparations and stuff like that."

"Wait, six? As in six in the morning?" I ask, distressed.

Luke chuckles and says "Yes, Arianna. Six in the morning."

They expect me to wake up at six? In the morning?

I groan and Logan and Megan laugh. We spend the rest of the day watching TV and joking around. They leave at around 6, saying they will be back tomorrow, coming to our graduation. I go have a shower and wear my pjs. Ian asks me to play with him and his dinosaurs. I spend half an hour playing with him then I go to my room and sit on my bed and read. I spend a couple hours reading and then go to bed after saying goodnight to everyone. I go to bed thinking about how much I already like Luke, Logan and Megan.


Thanks guys for reading! Let me know what you think. Have an amazing day/night wherever you are on this Earth.


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