Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. I look at my alarm clock and see that it's 9:15. Graduation starts at 12 so I have plenty of time to get ready. I make my bed, brush my teeth and comb my hair. I head downstairs and find Ian and my mum already awake. When Ian sees me he says good morning and I say morning back.

"Morning, honey. Can you go wake up your sister please?" Mum asks.

"Sure." I say.

I head upstairs and find Anastasia snoring, loudly.

Should I record her? Hmmm nah I can't be bothered to get my phone.

I step into her room and pull back the blankets.

"What?" She whines.

"Get up. Food is ready and plus we have our graduation today."

She groans but wakes up. I head back downstairs and sit down.

Tomorrow is my transformation! Holy crap! Let's just hope I survive that. Besides Luke said it only takes around 6ish hours. Only? Who am I kidding? It's going to hurt real bad.

When Anastasia comes downstairs we all start eating.

Mum says "are you guys ready for your graduation?"

Me and Anastasia just nod without any enthusiasm. Before mum can say anything else, Anastasia asks "so when are they coming?"

"They will be here later on. Maybe around 11:15." Mum replies.

Anastasia nods and continues eating. When we all finish I help clean the kitchen up. We have our showers and get ready for the graduation. Anastasia wears a dark blue dress and black heels. I put my dress and shoes on and put light make up on. I straighten my hair and leave it open. By the time it's 11:10, we are all ready. My mum also wears a simple purple dress with black heel while Ian wears a suit with a red bow tie. When it's exactly 11:15 the doorbell rings.

I swear they were waiting at the doorstep until it was exactly 11:15.

Mum opens the door for everyone to enter. "Sally, you look beautiful, as always." Luke says. My mum smiles and looks at the floor.

They are adorable.

I smile and say hi to everyone. We all compliment each other but head back out and jump into the car. We need to be there early to sign everything and get the coat and hat thingy.

What are they called again? Pfft who cares.

We arrive at the school and head to the hall. We are all set and we go and sit in our seats. Everything goes smoothly and we are out of there in no time. Anastasia and I don't have any friends to talk to or say our goodbyes to so we all just stand in a circle, glancing at each other.

"How about a quick picture?" My mum suggests.

I suppress a groan and we pose for the camera. When we get in our car, I sigh, glad that school is finally over. We head home and get 6 boxes of pizza. Apparently werewolves have a very fast metabolism and have to eat a lot to get enough energy. When we go home we all sit on the lounge.

Logan says "So Arianna and Anastasia, how does it feel to be finally done with school?"

I look up from my food and say "it feels good." And I really meant it. Anastasia agrees. I finish my pizza and lean back on the couch. Soon after that everyone else finishes up as well. I see that all 6 boxes are finished.

Holy crap! Hold on, I can eat as much as I want and I won't get fat? That is pretty awesome.

Megan asks "so are you guys ready for tomorrow?" Anastasia says "nope." And she leans back on the couch as well. Megan looks at me and says "what about you?" I think about it for a second.

Am I ready?

"probably as ready as I'll ever be." I say with a small smile.

She gives me an encouraging smile. We watch a couple of movies before they leave. I look at the clock and see that it's 8:20. I go have a shower and wear my pjs. I look into Ian's room and see him sleeping. I go to Anastasia's room and see her sitting on the bed. I slowly walk into the room and sit next to her.

I ask her "are you ready for this?"

She looks up at me and says "I honestly don't know. Everything is happening so fast. I mean just a week ago I thought we were normal human beings and tomorrow we are gonna become freaking werewolves." She sighs and looks down at the floor.

"Anastasia, everything will be fine. We will get through this, together. And besides we have so many people who will help us. You know, I really do like Luke, Logan and Megan. I can definitely see them as family and I honestly don't know if I could go on without them. I know we only met them a few days ago but I can't help it."

Anastasia looks up at me and smiles. "I know how you feel. They're pretty awesome aren't they?"

I chuckle and say "yeah. Now goodnight. I'm going to bed. We need our energy for tomorrow."

Anastasia sighs loudly and says, "Goodnight."

I go to find mum to say goodnight. I find her in the kitchen making coffee. I smile at her and say "I'm going to bed now. Goodnight." I give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight honey. Oh and don't worry about an alarm. I'll wake you up." She says.

"Ok mum. Thanks."

I leave the kitchen and go to my room. I get into bed and close my eyes.

So much has changed in just a few days. I just hope we will make it through tomorrow.

With that thought in mind, I fall asleep.


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- a_lama

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