Chapter 21

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I'm at the waterfall sitting on the log, waiting for Cameron. I stare at the waterfall, loving the way the sun made the water sparkle.

Hands come around my waist and I let out a startled scream. I hear chuckling from behind me so I turn around, although I already know who it is. I whack Cameron on the chest and say, "that was not funny."

"Yeah, well it wasn't funny when you left me like that." He counters as he comes and takes a seat next to me. I cringe, feeling bad at how I left. I turn to Cameron and wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry" I murmur against his neck. He wraps his arm around my waist and buries his head in my hair.

"Don't be. I understand why you did it." He releases my waist and I let go of his neck.

He grins and says, "I am pretty irresistible." That quickly breaks the tension and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me." He says in a fake serious voice.

"I just did." I play along and stick my tongue out.

He shakes his head with a small smile.

What am I going to do with her? 

I heard that.

He looks surprised but then he gives me a sheepish smile. He clears his throat and he suddenly becomes serious.

"How do you feel about what happened today?" He asks, grabbing my hands and putting it on his lap.

"Which part?" I ask.

"The part where we have to do the bonding ceremony early."

"Oh that part." I think about it for a little bit. "I'm fine with us doing it early. It's just that I don't want us to feel like we're being forced into it. I want to do it because we said so, not someone else." I pause, recollecting myself. "I know, I probably sound stupid." I say and look down at our hands.

"Look at me." Cameron says and I do.

"It's not stupid, Arianna, because I feel the same. And whatever I think can't be stupid. It's just not possible. I mean, Cameron and stupid just doesn't fit in a sentence." He says jokingly.

I chuckle and say, "I can think of one. Cameron is stupid."

He narrows his eyes and then says, "you did not just call me stupid."

"I think I did" I say while nodding.

He lunges at me, but I had already anticipated his move, so I quickly get up before he can get me. I run off into the woods, knowing that he is right behind me. I swiftly move through the trees and take all kinds of turns, trying to gain some space between us. It's no use since he's faster than me. Soon enough I feel his arms around my waist and I am pulled into his chest. He rests his head on my shoulder.

"My wolf definitely liked that." He says. I turn around in his arms.

I wonder what his wolf looks like.

"Can I see your wolf?" I ask with hopeful eyes.

He looks a bit surprised before he says, "really? You wanna see my wolf?"

I nod enthusiastically and he steps back. We stare at each other for a couple seconds until he crosses his arms and gives me a smug smile.

"Would you like to watch me strip?"

My eyes widen and I realise my mistake. I quickly turn around and mentally face palm. I hear him chuckle behind me and the ruffle of his clothes. Soon I hear the popping of his bones until it stops.

Alright you can turn around now.

I turn around and find a magnificent wolf. He has dark brown fur, lighter than mine. But what got me the most was that, he didn't have any patches. His fur was pure brown, like mine. Although, on his forehead he had black fur in the shape of a lighting bolt, where I had my heart. Cameron's wolf was definitely bigger than mine.

He comes closer until he's standing right in front of me. I put my hand on his head and play with his soft fur.

I feel the tingles that go around my body, knowing I will wake up soon.

Next time, it's my turn to see your wolf.

That's the last thing I remember before I wake up.


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Thanks for reading and thanks to those who have voted and commented. It means soo much to me. I'm sorry for any mistakes.

Have a great day/night wherever you are on this planet. ❤️🌐

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