Chapter 5

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"Honey, wake up" I open my eyes and see my mums face.

Today is the day.

She smiles at me and steps back, waiting for me to get up. I sit up and look outside my window. It's still dark outside. I look at the clock and see that it's 5:15. I groan and put my head in my hands.

"It's too early." I complain.

"Come on. Get up. We need to get you ready."

But what if I can't do this? I look at my mum with a worried expression. She sighs and sits down on the bed next to me. She puts her arm on my shoulders and say "Arianna, everything will be fine. You and Anastasia will get through this. I promise. I'll be there and I will make sure you will be fine. Ok?"

I give her a small smile and nod. She gets up and says "I'm going to go get your sister up then I'll start making you breakfast." With that she leaves and goes into Anastasia's room. I slowly get up and make my bed. I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth and comb my hair. When I exit the bathroom I find Anastasia waiting for me to get out. She looks nervous. I walk up to her and give her a hug and she hugs me back. We rarely do ever hug each other, but when we do it's very effective. I pull back and give Anastasia an encouraging smile before heading downstairs.

I go to the kitchen and find my mum making a lot of food. There's pancakes, bacon and eggs, toast and so much of it. My mum hears me approach and turns around. I sit down and ask her "why is there so much food?" She turns back around and continues cooking. "Well 1. You and Anastasia will need the energy and 2. Luke, Logan and Megan are coming pretty early and will also need the food." She says.

"Oh ok." Is all I say.

I watch her for a few minutes and then remember my manners. "Mum, do you need any help?"

"Nonsense. You just sit there. I'll be fine ok."

I nod even though she can't see me. Soon, Anastasia joins us and we continue watching mum cook. I can tell we are both very nervous. A couple minutes later, Anastasia asks "so what is Ian going to do?"

I totally forgot about Ian. What a great sister.

Mum says "oh he is going with Auntie Linda until everything is settled. She will come at around 8ish. Oh and just letting you know, she knows about the whole werewolf thing and that today is your big day and all."

Auntie Linda is mums sister so I kinda figured she knew or is one.

Mum finishes cooking and we eat. I didn't eat much food, due to how nervous I am. I leave to go have a shower when mum stops me. "Oh and girls, remember to wear loose clothing, preferably a dress. It's going to be hard with your wolf being stuck in clothing and all. Oh and probably wear something you don't like because well, it's going to be ruined." I nod and head upstairs and take a shower. I enter my room and start looking for a dress that I don't like. Well that's pretty much all the dresses. I pick a pink floral dress and put it on. I don't really like floral patterns. I check the time and see that it's 6:15.

Luke, Logan and Megan are most likely here by now then. I head downstairs and go to the living room. I was right. They are all seated on the coach.

I find Anastasia and let her know the shower is free. She gets up and heads upstairs. Before I can sit down I find myself in a hug. It took me a couple seconds to recognise that it was Logan but when I do, I hug him back. I step back and grin.

"I wouldn't of pegged you to be a hugger."

He just laughs and sits down. I sit next to Megan and she gives me a side hug.

Luke asks "how are you holding up?"

I smile nervously at him and say "I'm alright."

When mum comes in she says "there is food in the kitchen if you guys are hungry." Logan immediately gets up at the mention of food. I laugh and he looks at me and says "what?"

I shake my head and say "nothing."

He rolls his eyes and walks to the kitchen. "I didn't know he was an eye roller too." I say to no one in particular. "I heard that!" Logan yells from the kitchen.

I chuckle and say "of course you did." We all talk for a little bit and mum excuses herself to go get Ian up. I look at the clock and see that it's 7. A couple minutes later Anastasia walks in wearing a loose dark green dress. She comes and sits next to me. Logan comes back in the living room and we all continue talking or watch TV. It's 7:30 when Ian comes downstairs. The first thing he does is go hugs Logan.

That little traitor.

Logan hugs him back and Ian goes to sit between Anastasia and I.

"Jealous Arianna?" Logan teases.

I put my hand on my chest and pretend to be offended. "Me? Never."

Logan laughs and says "keep telling yourself that Arianna."

I did what any mature person would do. I stuck my tongue out.

He raises an eyebrow and laughs. I join him and soon we are all laughing. We finally stop laughing and watch TV. It's 8:15 when the doorbell rings. That's probably Auntie Linda. My mum goes and opens the door and there is Auntie Linda.

And I was right.

My mum introduces her to everyone. After greeting everyone she comes towards me and Anastasia and gives us a hug. She gives us a few encouraging words. She walks towards Ian and we all say our goodbyes and they leave. We all sit back down and Luke starts speaking. "Now we should get going. Oh and you should probably pack a bag with some clothes."

Oh yeah. I'm going to be a werewolf when the transformation is finished so when I phase back into a human, I will be completely naked.

I quickly get up and head to my room. Anastasia following behind. I walk into my room and find a bag. I grab a tank top and a pair of jeans and put it in my bag. I also get a pair of underwear and a bra. As an afterthought I bring a dress, just in case. I walk back downstairs and find Anastasia already there. We are all ready so we get into our cars. Mum knows where Luke lives and we are on our way.

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