Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sound of people talking and I can't help but groan.

They are too loud!

Must be the super hearing thing.

I slowly open my eyes but immediately close it.

The light is too bright.

I open my eyes again but slowly this time. I find myself on someone's bed, in their room. I look down at myself and I see I'm still wearing the blanket and still naked.

At least no one saw my goods... Well at least I hope not.

I also notice that my hearing, sight and smell have definitely improved, although it isn't as good as it is when I'm in wolf form.

The room has a double bed, two side tables on either side of the bed, a desk, a chair, a shelf and a built in closet. I look around and only see a few personal belongings.

I assess myself before moving. My body seems fine. Just a bit sore and stiff. I sit up in the bed and stretch my back. I slowly get off the bed, making sure I still had the blanket wrapped around me, and head towards the shelf.

It has two photographs. One of them has a picture of Logan wearing a hat and the coat thingy.

This must of been his graduation.

There's another photo with Logan, Luke, Megan and a woman.

She must of been their mum.

I then turn to the trophy next to the photo. The trophy is a soccer ball.

Yup, this is definitely Logan's room.

I turn around and walk to the window. The sun is up. I must have been sleeping for a long time. I turn back around and see my bag on the desk. I walk towards it and notice a note. It says 'feel free to use the shower. There is everything you need already in the shower. The towel is already there for you. There is also a spare toothbrush in the cabinet below the sink.'

Thank God!

I grab my bag and secure the blanket around me. I open the door and quickly walk into the bathroom. I put the blanket down and have a shower. After I have a shower I wear my jeans and top that I brought with me. I open the cabinet and find a toothbrush, toothpaste and a comb. I also find a note that says 'put the towel in the red basket and the toothbrush and toothpaste in the holder on the sink.' I quickly brush my teeth and comb my hair. I put everything where it's supposed to be and let my hair air dry. I leave my bag in Logan's room and fold the blanket and put it on top of my bag.

I didn't know how hungry I was until I smell the bacon and eggs cooking. Then I hear the sound of the bacon crackling and the eggs frying. I also hear the sound of something grumbling. It took me a couple seconds to realise that it was my stomach. I quickly head downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I find everyone there including Anastasia. I walk up to her and give her a hug. I quickly step back and say "I'm hungry." Everyone laughs and mum comes and gives me a hug. "How are you?" She asks "I'm fine, just hungry." She chuckles and goes to grab a plate of food.

I sit down next to Anastasia. Mum gives me a plate filled with a lot of food and I start eating. After a couple minutes I'm half way through my food. I look up and see everyone staring at me.

"Guys, I know I'm beautiful but no need to stare." I tease.

Logan chuckles but everyone else is serious.

What is up with everyone? I must of done something. Did I hurt someone while I was going through the transformation? Oh, I hope not.

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