Chapter 23

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As I enter the clearing, I find Cameron in his wolf form.


Hey. Whatcha doing?

I want to go for a run with you.

Well then in that case, turn around.

He does turn around and I quickly take my clothes off and put it in a pile on the floor. I phase and walk over to Cameron. My wolf nudges him and he turns to face us. He stares at me for a couple seconds.

Mate, you are beautiful.

His wolf has taken over. I let my wolf take over as well and I am once again a passenger in my own body.

I watch as my wolf presses her body against his before licking his face and running away.

So mate wants a chase.

I run as fast as I can, dodging low tree branches and jumping over tree roots. I look behind me and find that he is no longer there. I slow down and look around. My heightened hearing picks up the sound of twigs snapping coming from my right. I wait until he is close and then take off. Behind me, I hear him skid to a halt. I turn left and hide behind some bushes, ready to lunge when he comes near. I wait until he is right next to the bushes and then I pounce. I tackle my mate and pin him to the floor. I let out a triumphant yelp and he licks my face.

My wolf gives me back control.

I got the big bad wolf.

I let you get me.

His wolf has given Cameron back control.

Keep telling yourself that.

I get off him and he stands back up. We head back to the clearing.

You can phase first.

He turns around and I focus on my human self. Soon enough I have phased and am putting my clothes back on.

"Ok, I'm done." I say. I turn around and hear him phasing and putting his clothes back on. I wait for him to tell me that's it's okay to turn around but instead I feel his arms snake around my waist. I turn around and put my arms around his neck.

"Well that was fun." I say with a smile.

"Yeh it was. We should do it when we are awake some time." He says.

I nod my head enthusiastically and say, "that's actually a good idea. How about tomorrow afternoon?"

He nods his head as the tingles start taking over my body.

"We'll be waking up soon." He says.

I raise my eyebrows and say, "do we wake up at the same time?"

"I'm pretty sure."

That's the last thing said before I wake up.


Thanks for reading! We have passed half way through the book and I hope you like it. I want to know what you think about it. Sorry for all mistakes.

Have a great day/night wherever you are. ❤️✨

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