Loads of Fun!

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"You should be here by now!" Iris yells through the car phone.

"I was late getting out of work. Not going to school and working at a record store is a bitch, Iris." I roll my eyes even though she can't see me.

"Everyone is already here! You should be happy I even got you into a frat party! They usually don't allow people who don't go here, but I convinced Louis." I hear her giggle, and Louis's laugh in the back ground.

I don't mind Louis that much, but I feel like he has changed Iris. In high school she was a sweet girl who never broke any rules, then she left home to go to University of Northern Iowa and she dragged me with her. She met Louis, tattooed from head to toe with a lip piercing. They have been dating since the beginning of freshman year and today was her last day of classes.

"Can you please just hurry!" Her voice lowers as if she is trying to whisper into the phone. "Louis brought his hot friends! Three of them!"

"I just pulled up. Be there any mintue." I take my hair out of the messy bun I threw it into this morning and check myself in the mirror. I didn't have time to change after work because Iris was rushing me. I am still wearing my red sundress and my white converse. I sigh, grabing my phone out of the cup holder as I exit the car.

I walk onto the side walk checking my phone when I shoulder check someone. I stumble back a little and see a tall blonde guy with a black beanie covering most of his hair walking past. "Watch where you are going." A thick Irish accent escapes his lips, only to give me a scowl.

I shake my head and keep walking. What a douche, I think to myself. I push past the crowd of people standing in the front lawn with drinks in hand, swaying to the music.

I find Iris laying all over Louis on a couch in the middle of the living room. "Charlie!" She jumps up, hugging me. "So glad you got here!" She looks around to the group. All of them look like Louis, covered in tattoo's and piercings, but still very attractive. "Charlie I want you to meet Zayn and Harry."

Harry gets up, taking my hand in his, kissing my knuckles, "Lovely to meet you." Heat flows through my cheeks.

"Would you like a drink?" He holds a red plastic cup up to my face and the smell of beer over comes me.

"Um. No, thanks." I say pushing it away. "I don't drink."

"Not just one?" He eggs my on.

"She said no mate." Zayn says pulling him back down to the couch.

"Niall!" Louis yells, I feel a hot breath behind me.

I automatically recognize him, "You are that guy that I ran into!" I now have a better look at him. Tattoos scatters his neck and arms. He wears tight back jeans and a white shirt where you can see the tattoos on the rest of his body. He has his lip and left eyebrow pierced.

"Yeah." He growls at me "You should really pay attention next time." He pushes past me and takes a seat on the chair on the right side of the couch.

Yup, I think to myself as I sit in a chair, total douche bag. Tension in the room builds as a tall girl with bright red hair walks into our group.

"Who's this?" She says pointing down at me.

I don't get to answer before I am interrupted, "Why are you even here Liv? No one invited you?" Zayn says rolling his eyes.

"Actually" She walks over to Niall and sits on his lap "Niall invited me." Harry rolls his eyes, this must be an often occuring thing. "Now who are you?"

I go to answer again but Iris butts in, "Her name is Charlie."

"What are you Charlie, a prude?" She says looking at me up and down.

"Oh shut the fuck up Liv." Harry throws her a scowl. "You are just mad because you have fucked everyone in this room besides Louis."

"You are just mad because you haven't fucked me." She grins at Harry.

"Yeah. You wish." He scuffs.

They continue on with their conversations and I am left alone, "So what is your major?" Harry pulls up a chair next to me.

"I actually don't go here. I am applying next year. Money was tight with my twin being in college too. I decided to get a job and earn money."

His eyebrows raise, "You have a twin? There are two of you?" He scoots a little closer.

"Don't get all excited. His name is Liam. And we look nothing a like." I laugh a little when Harry's face drops when I mention Liam is a guy. "What's your major?"

"Journalism. I plan to work in New York City someday." He grins at me, releveing a dimple.

My cheeks flare, but I feel another pair of eyes on me besides Harry's. I turn to see Niall staring me down. Liv sits in his lap blabbing on but he isn't even listening. What does he want? His blue eyes meet mine and I am caught of guard. He throws me a smirk, but not a flirting one, a devilish one.

"Did you hear me?" Harry's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn back to look at him. His eyes plead for my attention.

"Hm?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I said you shouldn't get involved with Niall." This has me intrested and I lean in close. "He is one of my best mates but he will ruin you. Trust me." Harry explains. We both look at Niall at the same time, his eyes are still glued to my body as if he is trying to see through my clothes.

I look back to Harry, "Trust me, I am not planning on it."

"Well I say we have a little fun. It is a party right?" Harry stands up, addressing the whole group, "How does spin the bottle sound?"

"We aren't in primary school Harry." Niall growls.

"Oh come on Niall!" Liv teases, playing with his hair. "It could be fun?"

Harry grabs a bottle out of some guy's hand and drinks the contents. We all sit on the floor forming a circle around the bottle. Harry sits on one side of me and Iris on the other. Harry spins the bottle grinning at me.

I watch as the bottle spins around the group hitting everyone of us. I am stung with fear every time it passes by me. It keeps going and going until it starts to slow.

*Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story:3*

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now