Another Broken Lamp

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"I apologize for Niall." I say linking my arm with Ashton's as we walk through Central Park. "I know he can be kind of intense sometimes."

"Oh he doesn't bother me!" Ashton scuffs.


"Not at all." He shakes his head. "He is just protective over you and I totally understand that. You are someone that needs to be protected." He smiles down at me. "But I imagine you are just as stubborn as always, so he has a lot to keep up with." He laughs.

"Oh hush!" I say, playfully hitting his arm. "I need you to tell me what's going on in your life."

"You know I hate talking about myself." He groans.

"I am going to bother you until you tell me." I say grinning up at him.

"Fine." He sighs. "I may or may not have a boyfriend."

"Really?" I gasp. "What's his name? How long have you been together? Does he go to school?"

"Woah calm your shit for a second." He says holding up his hands to gesture for me to stop. "His name is Luke. We have been dating for a few months and no he isn't in school."

"I have to meet him!"

"I was actually going to meet him in a little bit for lunch if you would like to come." Ashton's adjusts the bracelets on his wrist. I don't think he has ever taken them off for as long as I have known him.

"I would love that." I say, a little too excited.

"Did you want to go see if Niall wanted to come and I can just ask Luke to meet us at the hotel?" Ashton questions.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" I say slightly uneasy.

"I think it's a great idea." He grins, turning us around to the hotel.

"Okay." I agree, but I drag my feet a little.

Ash calls Luke as we make our way back to the hotel.

"He will be here any minute. I will wait down here for him." Ash nods for me to head up to the room.

"Alright I will do my best to convince him." I make my way to the elevator and up to the hotel room. I slid my key card into the door and it clicks open. I don't see Niall right away so I make my way back to the bed room.

"Niall?" I question, stepping into the room.

"Hey!" Niall slurs his words elongating the 'y'. There are a bunch of mini bottles of liquor scattered over the floor.

"Niall have you been drinking?" I can already feel the hurt.

"I don't know you tell me." He gets up from the bed making his way over to me. I try to step back but my back hits the wall and Niall is right in my face, his hot breath runs down my neck. "How was your date with your new fuck buddy?" He says with laugh.

"He is a friend." I turn my head away from his whiskey smelling breath.

"Ohhhh." He laughs, throwing his arms in the air. "A friend is he now? Because the last thing I remember is you going on a date with that fucker."

"I am leaving." I push Niall out of the way, heading for a door but Niall yells.

I turn at the last moment when a lamp hits the wall next to my head.

"You can't fucking leave me." He raises his voice at me but I can't even move. My mind is telling me to turn and leave this room, to go find Ashton but my body won't budge.

"Niall calm down." I try to reason with him.

"You can't leave me. You can't leave me for him." He knocks a flower vase of the table.

"Breaking things isn't going to help your cause right now." I state.

"Yes it will." He says stubbornly.

"No it won't."

"Yes it will."

"No it-" I grunt waving away the words. "I am not doing this with you. I came up to ask if you wanted to go to lunch with Ash and his boyfriend." I elaborate on the 'boyfriend'.


"Yeah. I told you, you over reacted over nothing." I say shaking my head.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me that in the first place?!" He steps closer to me.

"That's not the point Niall." I tell him. "We have this argument over and over again and I don't know if we will ever stop having it. You should have trusted me in the first place. You always worry that I am going to leave you for someone else, it's like you are worried that I don't love you."

"No." He says running his fingers through his hair. "I know you love me but I worry that you won't stick through my fuck up and my rants. I feel like I am too fucked up for you to love me."

"Would you shut up with all this crap." I groan. "Of course I love you and your fucked up self. If I didn't why would I be with you in New York right now?"

"Yeah." He nods, pulling me close.

"I should really get down to Ash and Luke." I say resting my head on his chest.

"I am coming with." He let's go of me grabbing his boots.

"No you aren't." I say shaking my head. "You are drunk."

"I think I am sober enough to go to lunch Charlie." He scuffs, standing up straight, looking down at me. I don't know what the look is but it gives me chills, like when we first met. Something doesn't feel right.

"Alright well they are waiting for us." I make my way toward the door with Niall close behind.

"I think now you should worry about him hitting on me." I look back at Niall to see a big grin on his face as he grabs my hand, pulling me down the stairs.

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