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"Let's eat here!" Liam and I have been walking around downtown for a while. Going in to random stores just like we used to when we were kids. I point out a small Mexican restaurant.

"You know me so well." He smirks as we enter the small building. We take a seat at a booth in the corner and a waitress bring us both menu's.

"Can I get you two something to drink?" She asks with a slight accent.

"I will have a beer." Liam nods before looking at his menu.

"I'll just have a water with lemon." She smiles at me before leaving to get our drinks.

"So how is Dani?" I ask, now that we are can sit down and have a proper conversation.

"She is good. She had to go back to New York yesterday." He glances up at me before looking back down at the menu.

"She lives in New York? That's pretty cool." I nod.

"Yeah she goes to an art school there. We discussed this! She wants to be a writer. Majoring in English remember?" He sets down the menu and looks me straight in the eye. "You know why I wanted to hangout today right?"

"Because you wanted to hang out with your coolest twin ever!" I smile but he doesn't even flinch.

"No Charlie." He shakes his head. "It's about Niall."

"Oh god Liam. Don't even start. I have heard everything bad about him from mother." I cover my face with my menu but Liam snatches it from my hands.

"I am serious Charlie. There is something about him that makes uneasy." He sighs. "He is hiding something from you Charlie and it isn't good."

"How do you know Liam? You don't know Niall like I do." There is a little part of me that knows I don't know all of Niall. Deep down he is hiding secrets, but we just started to put our relationship together. I am not going to know everything right away. I do worry what I will find out though.

"You know that he is hiding things Charlie." He says as if he read my mind. "You are afraid of him. You are afraid of what he might reveal to you."

Luckily the waitress comes back over with our drinks, saving me from admitting Liam might be right. "Are you ready to order?" She smiles at Liam and I.

"I will have an order of Tacos with no tomato and rice." Liam orders, handing her the menu.

"I will have the same please." She quickly jots it down before taking the menu's and once again leaving me alone with my brother.

"Did you see the Packers game? I missed it." I take a sip of my water trying to avoid the subject of Niall but of course it doesn't work on Liam.

"Charlie don't play with me here." He leans into the table a little. "I think you should break it off with him."

"I can't do that Liam." I shake my head, sitting back against the booth. "Whatever Niall is hiding I can take because I love him."

I see my brother's jaw clench in frustration, but I ignore it. I can't just break up with Niall, I love him too much. I can't just up root my life with him because he is what is holding me together.

"Drop it Liam." I whisper. "Because it isn't going to happen."

"I am going to respect your wishes. And when this crumbles I will be here to help you. With anything." The waitress comes over with our food and Liam leans back as she sets them down. "But don't tell me I didn't tell you so."


"Long time no see!" Louis practically yells as I enter the pub. He sits only with Iris. I figured she would tag along. She follows him like a fucking puppy.

"Can I get a beer." I gesture to the waitress and she nods.

"Nice to see you Niall." Iris scans me up and down, judgmently, as I sit down.

"Yeah mate." Louis says before I have a chance to make a snide remark to Iris. "Where have you been?"

"At a hotel." I shrug. The waitress comes over with my beer and I down in with one quick drink. "Another." I demand and she walks away rolling her eyes.

"Just bring a pitcher and extra cups!" Louis yells to her. "You realize that you have a room at my place?"

"Yeah but I don't want to live there. It isn't private."

"Ah right. I forgot you and Charles were a thing." He smirks.

"Her name is Charlie." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Do you love her?" Iris blurts.

"Didn't I already confess my love to her in front of you two and everyone else?"

"I mean to you really love her? You would do anything for her? Sacirfice yourself to help her? Do everything in your power to keep her safe?"

"Jesus Iris." Louis chuckles slightly.

"Why is it any of your buisness?" I scuff and I practically see her blood boiling under her skin. Iris has never liked me but I have never really cared for her either. Her being Charlie's best friend makes things quite difficult for me.

"It's my buisness because Charlie is my bestfriend. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. Especially from you." She spits at me. Louis is confused, looking at Iris, to me, then back at Iris.

"We have only been dating for a month." I spit right back. "I love her Iris. But I am not going to give up my whole life for her either. She isn't my everything."

She gasps, she leans across the table to slap me but Louis grabs her, pulling her back, "How fucking dare you." She snaps. "When you have a girlfriend she should always come first."

"It's true mate." Louis says looking over at Iris but Iris has her eyes locked on me.

"You need to figure out what you are doing with Charlie because I don't need a broken girl on me." Iris sits up straight, taking a drink of beer.

"You think she is just some weak girl? You must not know her that well then." I scuff. "The Charlie I know is so strong and that is why I love her. That is why I know I don't have to put her on a pedestal for her to know she is already there."

Just as I finish my phone vibrates in my pocket. "Thanks for the beer." I nod to them, leaving the table and exiting the bar. My phone lights up with Charlie's name.

"Hey babe." I can't help but smile at her calling me babe. It rolls of her tongue perfectly.

"Where are you?" I question.

"I just got back to the hotel. Are you coming hom- back soon?" She stops herself from making that mistake.

"I will be there in a few mintues. I am just leaving the pub."

"Oh you don't have to leave on account of me." I hear the buttons being pushed in the lift.

"But I want to. I want to get out of there. I want to be with you." I can see her face brigthen because of my words.

"I want to be with you too. I will be waiting." And with that she hangs up. I find myself grining like a lovestruck idiot.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now