We were friends...Once

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"Niall calm down." Louis sighs, holding out his hand. "We don't need to make this even worse than it already is."

"Where the fuck is Charlie." He growls.

Before Niall sees me, Eric takes a seat next to me. Rather close, his arm wraps around my shoulder. I try to wiggle free but his grip is tight.

"Quite a lovely one you've got here mate." Eric smiles at me. His hand meets my face, caressing my cheek.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her." He stands in front of the sofa but he doesn't make a move to get Eric off of me.

"Where is my money Niall." Eric's expression grows cold as he places his hand on my knee.

"I paid you mouths ago." Niall explains. What he is paying this guy for? Do I really want to know? "We were done after that." His eyes narrow at Eric.

"We were. But then I was thinking about you the other day. I gave you so much shit Niall that I think I need more money." He throws Niall an evil grin.

"I am not giving you anything." Niall steps forward, pushing Eric against the back of the couch. With one swift move Niall grabs my arm, pulling me off the couch and to his side. Zayn and Louis stare at the ground, their faces wishing everything was over. Iris still sits on the couch, watching in horror as everything unfolds.

"Niall what going on?" I ask as he holds me tight to his side.

He doesn't say anything, he just looks down at me, his eyes begging me to stay with him, no matter what. I still don't know what we are at the moment but right now that's not what matters.

"I think it is time for you to leave Eric." Zayn pipes up. He stands tall, his head held a little higher.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Eric gets up from the couch and gets in Zayn's face. "You remember what happened last time."

"Well why don't we just take this outside then?" Zayn says, jaw clenched.

Eric chuckles before making his way out the front door, with Zayn close in toe. Once the door closes I step away from Niall.

"One of you needs to explain what is going on." I say looking at at three of them, Louis, Iris and Niall.

"It's a long stor-" Louis starts.

"I don't care!" I raise my voice. "Niall explain what is going on. I can't take these secrets anymore! I thought we were over all this?"

He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. He starts pacing the room, his fingers messing around with his lip ring.

"Niall." I demand for an answer. The front door opens and Zayn walks in, he slams the door as hard as he can.

No blood or bruises, so that's good. "That's taken care of." He smiles at us all.

The next thing I know, Harry comes sontering down the stairs, in only his boxers, his bare chest revealed, showing all his tattoo's. He wipes the sleep from his eyes as he walks in the room. "Can you guys shut the fuck up? I am trying to sleep." He looks up and his eyes grow wide when he sees me. "Charlie?" I ignore him, looking back at Niall. I can't deal with Harry right now.

"Tell me everything." I tell Niall.

"Can we just please go in the other room?" He pleas.

"Maybe I need them here? To tell me if you are leaving something out or not." I narrow my eyes up at him. Niall looks up at the guys.

"Come on Iris." Louis gestures for her and they all leave the room.

"Sit?" He asks.

I groan, taking a seat on the couch.

"I used to be in business with Eric. He went to school here and we happened to cross paths and he needed some help. I just got here from Ireland and I was still in a dark place. I took the job." He shrugs.

"The job?"

"I sold cocaine for him Charlie." He bits his lip, his ring disappearing. "After a while I started using the product. It came to a point where I owed Eric loads of money and I had no money to give." He looks down at me for reassurance but I just stare in awe. I don't know what to think. "I paid for some but Harry paid the rest."

"Wait, Harry?" I am still in shock from everything that has been happening.

"Yeah Harry. He helped me quit too. Courtney wasn't here to help and Harry was the only one willing to help."

"Harry helped you through all this? Why do you treat him so badly?" I can't wrap my head around all of this.

"He tried to get close to you and I am not okay with that."

"He was there for you when you needed it." I take Niall's hands in mine. "Nothing is ever going to happen between Harry and I. It is you and I only right?"

"I am not sure after everything that happened with Colton." He doesn't take is eyes away from mine.

"Niall" I sigh. "Nothing is ever going to happen between us. I don't plan on having anything to do with Colton."

"It's him I don't trust. He is an arse." Niall's eyes narrow.

"So we are us again? We are okay?" I can't take being away from Niall, physically, anymore.

He lifts his hand to my cheek, caressing my jawline. "I have missed you so fucking much Charlie. Don't you ever fucking hurt me like that again. I don't think I could ever recover if you did." He takes my face in his hands, pressing his lips against mine.

I deepen the kiss allowing his tongue entrance. "Can we go home now? Our home." I smile up at him as he gets to his feet.

"Is that a yes? Are you making the apartment official?" He looks at me as I stand to be closer to him.

"Niall Horan, I would be delighted to move in with you." I can't help but smile at the sparkle in his eyes.

"I fucking love you to hell and back Charlie." Instead of kissing me like I thought he would, he pulls me into a tight embrace. His strong arms wrapping around my small body, pressing me close to his warm chest.

"I love you Niall." I say into his chest.

"So yes we can go home." He keeps one arm wrapped around my waist as we exit the house.

"Charlie wait!" Iris comes running out the front door to catch up with Niall and I.

"Yeah?" I turn back around, giving her a confused look.

"I need to talk to you." She looks up at Niall then back down to me. "Alone."

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now