Welcome Home

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I stand there, paralyzed with fear and excitment.

"Charlie." Liam gets up waving his hand in front of my face. He snaps my gaze away from Niall and I turn to Liam. "Are you going to come sit down?"

I nod, following Liam over to the sofa. I take a seat next to him and he laughs a little at my reaction.

"You guys do kind of look alike." He states. He came here for something and not for something good.

"Well we are-"

I interrupt Liam, "Why are you here?" It comes out a little more harsh than I intended.

"Your lovely brother here is tutoring me in English." Niall says raising his eyebrows.

"Well you two enjoy your fun." I get up off the couch, leaving Niall and Liam alone in the living room.

I enter my room throwing my bag on my bed. I grab my phone and dial Iris's number.


"Does Niall take English?" I question, getting down to the real facts.

"He is an English major. Why?" I can see her giving me the look, eyebrows raised, shaking her head.

"Oh nothing..." Silence. "Is he pretty smart?"

"Hell yes he is! A's in all of his class. I don't think he has missed a class all year, even just to sleep in."

"Thanks." I say hanging up the phone before she can ask more questions.

That lying shack of shit. Of course he would come here just to annoy the hell out of me. Liam isn't even that great at English! I roll my eyes ignoring the fact that Niall is here. I hop to the middle of my bed, grabing the remote from the end of the bed. I scroll throught Netflix finally picking out The Breakfast Club.

About half way through the movie Liam walks in the room and sits on the bed next to me.

"Is he gone?"

"I don't see what you have against the guy? He was quite nice!" Liam beams.

"Liam." I sigh turning to him. His face glows, I don't see how he is happy all the time. "He is full of shit. He is a English major witih straight A's."

He face turns into a frown and I feel bad for ruining his happiness, "But-"

"I wouldn't trust him if I were you. Everyone says he is an ass."

"Oh but his voice is so charming!" Liam says scarcastically. I nudge him with my elbow.

"Mom called today. She wanted to talk to you." He says looking at the ground.

"What did she say?" I question.

"Just call her Charlie." He hands me my phone and leaves the room. I sigh dialing her number. After one ring she picks up.


"Hey mom."

"Oh thank god you called. I need to talk to you." Her tone gets serious. I talk to my mother and everything but we don't have the greatest relationship. Always fighting over money and school, it's a train wreck.

"I am listening."

"I am coming to stay for a few days."

I nearly drop my phone. She doesn't even ask, just invites herself. "What?"

Thor pushes his nose to open my door and lays himself on the end of my bed.

"I want to see how you and Liam are doing!" She is not. "I haven't seen you two in forever."

When my mother comes to visit all hell breaks open. Judging every move I make. Cleaning the entire apartment telling me I should do more house work. Always compairing me to Liam. "I mean I guess so. For how long?"

"A week tops. I will probably be there on Monday." Well shit. I think to myself.

"See ya then." I say, my voice flat. I hang up the phone and curl up next to Thor.

Liam walks in a guilty expression on his face. "I am sorry! You know I am bad at saying no to people!"

"Yeah, especially to mom." I roll my eyes.

"I will make it up to you. She can sleep in my room and I will sleep on the couch."

"Of course she will. It was going to happen either way."

"At least she will sleep most of the first day she is here." Liam and I come from New York City, so being in a place like Iowa is totally different, but I love the quiet environment.

"I will see you in the morning." Liam shuts the door on his way out and I wrap my arms around Thor. I barely finish the movie before I fall asleep.


"Does she always sleep this late?" I hear voices but I don't bother to open my eyes yet.

"Charlie." Someone pokes my arms and I sit up in bed. I wipe the sleep from my eyes. I turn to my clock. Noon the next day. I look to see who woke me up, Liam and Niall stand in front of me. Wait. Niall. I quickly try to fix my hair without making it to noticable.

"Why the hell did you wake me up?" I question, looking from Liam to Niall then back to Liam.

"I was the one who wanted to talk to you." Niall grins.

"Why?" I ask, with a yawn.

"Just get up." Niall growls, sounding annoyed. "We are leaving in 20 minutes."

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now