Moulin Rouge!

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So many emotions are running through my head right now. Love, longing, and most of all frustration.

I know that I want Niall. I long for him. For his touch. But I know that if I am with him it will be a struggle. Niall pulling my heart every which way. But it's worth it.

"Please Charlie. I need you." His eyes beg for my attention. I have never seen him like this. I might never see him like this again.

"Yes." I place my hands in his chest. "I want you." My voice comes out very flirtatious.

"You do?" He is just as shocked as I am.

"I do." I look up into his ice blue eyes. "I always have Niall. You just never gave me the chance to tell you."

"Now what?" His looks down at my lips. "I have never really done this dating thing."

"Well first you have to take me out on a date." A smile spreads across my lips.

"Can't we just skip the date and fuck?" He grabs my thigh right under my butt. This is the moment where I wish I was wearing pants instead of just his t-shirt. "I mean you are already half way there." A smirk apears upon his lips and he looks down at his shirt that covers my body.

"Niall I am not ready for that-" I say looking at the ground.

He places his finger under my chin and lifts it up to look at him, "We will get there. But I want to be your first. I can treat you the way you deserve to be."

His words sends chills down my back.

"So that date right?"

"I don't want to go anywhere." I say looking back at the living room. "Can we just stay in?"

"Just you and I" He smirks. "Sounds lovely to me." He takes my hand and leads me over to the couch. I take a seat, putting my legs to the side. Niall walks over to my movie collection and picks one out holding it up for me to see.

"Moulin Rouge?" I say confused. It is one of my favorite movies. "I didn't pick you for the chick flick type."

He puts the movie in the DVD player. And waits to press play before sitting down. "I am not. But it is the only movie you have that is remotely interesting."

"How dare you!" I playfully hit his chest. "This is my favorite movie! If I could meet Ewan McGregor..."

"Don't finish that sentence." He says putting his finger to my lips. "Anything you want to do to him you will do to me."

"But you aren't as pretty." I jokingly say.

"Pretty?" He raises his eyebrows at me as the movie starts. "I don't care to be called pretty."

"Shhhhh" I put my hand over his mouth. "The movie is starting!" I cuddle up into his chest as Ewan appears on my screen.


I watch the movie, bored out of my mind. But I do my best to enjoy it, knowing Charlie loves it. I can't pay attention to the movie very much, I can't take my eyes off of her. I don't know how long I will have her. I may fuck it up like usual. I watch and she smiles when Eric, Ethan, I don't fucking know, is singing and cries when Nicole breaks his heart. Seeing her get so invested in this makes me smile.

Having her in my arms is the greatest thing that could happen to me. I realize what I am thinking. What am I thinking? I sound like a pussy. This isn't me, I don't watch sappy movies with girls. I don't date girls. What is Charlie doing to me?

The movie finishes, the credits scroll down the screen. Charlie sits up, wiping tears from her eyes. "I am not crying."

"I need to go." I blurt out, a confused look spreads across her face.

"W-why?" She hiccups from crying.

"I have stuff you do." I stand up causing her to fall on the couch but she quickly gets up.

"Um, okay." Her eyebrows furrow.

I can't do this.

"I'll call you later." I walk past her, grabbing the door handle. I want so badly to look back but I know if I do I won't be able to leave. I swing the door open slamming it behind me. I rush outside before I change my mind. Being with this girl will ruin everything for me. I need to get her off my mind. I need to see someone.

I pull out my phone, dialing a number.


"Liv." I sigh heavily. "I need to see you."



I stand in awe as the door slams behind Niall.

We were having a great time. What did I do? Did I say something wrong? It was a movie, we didn't even talk. Maybe it was my crying. I knew we shouldn't of watched Moulin Rouge. It gets me every time.

The door swings open and I gasp a little hoping it is Niall coming back up here, but it is just Liam.

"I can't believe you left me alone with Colton and mother. Worst dinner ever." He loosens his tie. Grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"Give me one." Anger builds up inside of me. I did do something wrong. I made the mistake to involve myself with Niall. I knew something like this would happen.

"Really?" Liam opens me a bottle and hands is to me. "You hate drinking."

"Right now is a time to drink." I take a big glup, the cold liquid runs down my throat, giving me a sense of satisfaction.

I sit back down on the couch, and Liam sits next to me. "So how was it after I left."

"Hell. It was hell." He groans. "All mom would talk about was how Colton was for you and how much of a douche Niall was."

"Colton has a girlfriend anyway." I shrug. "But I would never date him again. He probably cheated on me loads of times when we were together. I just feel bad for this girl."

"Wait did he hit on you?"

"He tried to get in my pants." I scuff.

"I think he is the real douche here."

Thoughts of me cuddled into Niall's warm body come to mind. I long for him but I know it will never be the way I hope for. I will always be struggling for a life that he can't give me.

I need to move on.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now