Another Boyfriend

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"W-what?" So many thoughts are running through my mind.

"I was hoping you would move in with me." He shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels.

"But Niall don't you think this is a big leap?"

"Yes, I know that we have only been dating for a few months but I know this is right ." He steps closer to me, taking my hands in his. "I love you Charlie and I am ready to take this step."

"I don't know Niall." I say, looking at the ground.

"You have plenty of time to think about it Charlie." Niall says, caressing my arm. "But in the mean time you can stay here. I already have most of your stuff here. Liam brought it over."

"Liam knew about this?" I am shocked that he would even agree. I know he strongly dislikes Niall. According to Liam I needed to break up with Niall yet he sends my things packing?

"It tooks loads of convincing with his stubborn arse but he finally came around." Niall shrugs.

"I can't believe you found such a nice place." I walk back in the living room and run my fingers along the fire place mantle. "It's beautiful."

"You like it?" He sounds hopeful as he nears me. "I tried my best to find something that you would like."

"Of course I like it Niall." I turn to him and place my hands on his chest. "I am just not sure I am ready to move in with you. There are just so many factors to keep in mind. If I move in here I will have no where else to go. I would have to give up my room and my apartment. Which means that Liam would most likely get a roommate to pay for th-"

"Charlie." Niall places his finger on my lips. "You need to stop over thinking things. I know that we can do this together."

"Niall we just got in a fight a few hours ago."

"But we got through it. We always get through, because I love you and I am not going to lose you." He lifts his hand to cup my cheek, his thumb brushing against my jawline.

"I need to think about it Niall. I don't feel comfortable with you paying for all of it." I say looking at the ground.

"Please don't worry about anything else but moving in." He takes my hands and pulls me into his chest, wraping his arms around my waist.

"I guess." I say, looking up at him.

"Good." He presses his lips against mine, deepening the kiss. "That bed is sounding quite nice right now." He grins.

"So does food." I laugh a little, wiggling from his grasp. "Do you have any?" I make my way back to the kitchen and open the fridge.

"I didn't think about food." I look into the empty fridge before turning back to Niall.

"Then I will go down to the grocery store. Is there one near here? Like walking distance?" I question.

"There is a Target on the corner but I'll go." He travels back to the room with me close behind.

"No." I say taking the shirt that he was about to put on. "You already paid for this whole apartment. The least I can do is buy groceries." I grab a pair of black sweats and my UNI sweat shirt. "I need to make a list." I grab the pad of paper and a pen off the desk and jot down the items we need.

"Do you want anything?" I turn to Niall and he is glaring at me. "What?"

"Can't you just stay here? We can order a pizza or something?"

"No. Not for breakfast." My eyebrows furrow. "And we will have to get food sooner or later so it might as well be sooner. You can come with me though." I smile at him.

"Hell no. I hate grocery shopping." He cringes.

"Well then I will just go alone. I will see you in a little bit." I kiss Niall's cheek before slipping on my Toms leaving Niall behind in the apartment.

I breath a sigh of relief as I step outside. I felt cramped in that place. Yes it is beatiful and all but having Niall pressing me for an answer made me uncomfortable. I need time to think with out him breathing down my neck. I make the short walk to Target and grab a red cart on my way inside.

I go through my list pretty quickly with the cart halfway full. There is no way I am going to be able to carry all of this. I check out, keeping my bags in the cart. I get to the front door pulling my phone out to call Niall. But before I have a chance someone taps my shoulder.

"You want some help?" Colton stands in front of me in jeans and a red sweat shirt.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I dial Niall's number and put my phone up to my ear.

"Oh come on. It's just groceries Charlie."

"Hello?" Niall's voice interupts my conversation with Colton.

"I need your help bringing home the groceries. I can't carry it all of it." Colton hasn't left yet, he just watches as I talk to Niall.

"Fine." He hangs up and leaves me to be with Colton.

"Niall is on his way. You might want to leave." I turn back to stare down at my cart.

"I can't meet him?" Colton sounds hopeful, I just want him to leave.

"He doesn't want to meet you Colton." I tell him.

"What did I ever do to him?"

"Maybe when you tried to get back together with me when I am with Niall." I point out. "Oh what about that time you tried to have sex with me when you had a girlfriend!"

"Look Charl-" But before he has a chance to fire back Niall comes through the door. He smiles when he sees me but his eyebrows furrow when he sees Colton. His jaw clenches as he nears us.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Niall growls.

"I was just here to get some food." He says holding up some bags. "And then I just so happen to run into Charlie." He smiles at me and I take Niall's hand in mine. I squeeze tight to try and reassure him. But it doesn't work, his eyes grow with anger.

"Okay let me correct myself." Niall clears his throat. He takes his hand away from mine and gets up into Colton's face. "You need to stay away from my girlfriend or I am going to kick your arse."

"Niall." I grab his arm but he doesn't budge.

"Are you threatening me?" Colton's eyes narrow at Niall.

"If you would like to take it that way." Niall shrugs.

"Maybe your girlfriend wanted to talk to me."

Before I can get between the two of them Niall's fists connects to Colton's face. Colton staggers back and takes a swing at Niall which he dodges. Before Niall can throw another punch, I grab his arm pulling him out of the store, cart in hand. Luckily I pull him out before the Target workers reach us.

"Really Niall?!" I yell at him.

"What?" He growls, running his fingers through his hair.

"What? Are you really asking me what? You just punched my boyf-" I stop myself before the horrid words escape my mouth.

"Your boyfriend?" Niall's voice is low as the anger pluses through him.

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