Cold Sweat

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The car ride back to the apartment was complete silence. Once we get back to the apartment I go straight back to the bedroom, stripping from my clothes.

Niall comes in after me, removing his shirt and holding it out to me. "Please." He says pressing the shirt to me.

"I don't want to wear it." I stiffle throw my drawers looking for something to wear to bed.

"So you are just going to stand there in your underwear?" He scuffs. "As much as I like this site, you are going to get cold." He starts to wrap his arms around my waist but I push him away. I finally find an over sized UNI shirt I stole from Liam, I slip it over my head and turn around to get in bed but Niall is right in my face. His hot breath right in my face.

He doesn't say a word. He grabs the bottom of the shirt that clings to my body, pulling it up and over my head. He takes his shirt in his hand and slips it over my head and pulls my arms through. "There, much better." He leans down to kiss me but I turn at the last moment.

"You don't get it do you?" I push at his chest and he just huff's in frustration.

"Apparently not." He rolls his eyes.

"You can't just treat me like crap and then accept me to be fine with it Niall."

"What are you talking about?" He questions, eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you kidding me right now!?" I raise my voice a little.

"Nothing happened back at Louis's! I already told you that!" He yells, running his fingers through his hair.

"That is not what I am asking but you are making it pretty obvious that something did happen."

"Nothing that concerns you." He holds his chin a little higher, looking down at me as if I am less than him. A look I haven't seen since I first meet Niall. A look I hoped I would never see again, but seeing it again changes my emotions about Niall right now.

"Well then if you would excuse me." I push past him into the bathroom. He comes towards the door but I slam the door and lock it.

"Are you fucking five-years-old Charlie?" He kicks the door and I jump a little.

"I am getting ready for bed." I barely say.

"You need to talk to me." He explains.

"Talk to you? You are the one that won't talk to me Niall!" I grab my tooth brush out of the holder.

"I told you there was nothing to say Charlie! Can't you just understand that?" His muffled voice travels through the closed door.

"Leave me alone Niall." I say wetting my tooth brush, and putting on tooth paste. "I just want to go to bed."

"Fine." He sighs in defeat. I hear his foot steps make there way over to the bed.

I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. I brush through my hair and put it back in a ponytail. I take a deep breath, opening the bathroom door. Niall lays in the bed, back against the head board. I make my way over to the bed and grab my pillow and a blanket.

"What are you doing?" Niall's eyes narrow at me.

"Going to watch a movie, and I might fall asleep." I shrug my shoulders, making my way towards the door.

"It is mid-night Charlie. Just come to bed" Niall gets up from the bed, stopping me from leaving the bedroom.

"I don't want to sleep with you." I say looking anywhere but at him.

"Charlie please." He sighs heavily. "Can we just talk about this in the morning. It's late and I am tired, and I already know you are tired." He hand brushes up against my cheek.

"I am tired Niall. Tired of trying so hard with you. It shouldn't be this hard," I shake my head, leaving Niall behind in the bed room. I sit myself down on the couch, wrapping myself in the blanket and turning on the TV flipping through channels.

I finally find Peter Pan playing on ABC Family. It is already half way through but I don't mind seeing that I have watched it a million times with Liam when we were kids. It was his favorite movie. Liam. I miss him so much. Not being with him everyday hurts a little. The last time I was away from Liam for this long was when he went to summer camp for a week but came back early because he was homesick. I thought being with Niall, living with him, was going to be a great new expreience. I love Niall and I love being with him but I am so tired.

Trying to keep up with the constant fighting and bickering is hard on me, physically and mentally. My eyes become harder and harder to keep open so I give in. Sinking into my pillow, falling asleep.


I watch as Charlie walks out of the room, leaving me behind. I can't tell her what happened with Liv. She'll never trust me again and she will never forgive me for keeping it from her. Deep down I know that Liv is right, I keep hurting Charlie over and over, breaking her down. She can't take much more of me any longer.

"Fucking hell!" I say to myself, punching the bed frame, splittering the wood a little.

I ruin everything in my wake. I want so badly to be with Charlie, to love her and not letting anything else get in my way. But I am the one in the way. I can't love her without hurting her in some way. I need to leave. Get out of here. But in the morning, it is too late to leave now. I am going to have to figure out where I am going to go. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. I make my way over to the bed, concealing myself in the sheets. It's so empty without her, I think to myself as I fall asleep.


Screams echo through the foyer and into my bedroom, jolting me awake. Charlie. I quickly get out my bed, rushing to the foyer where Charlie sleeps on the couch, shaking,

"Charlie!" I near her to see her covered in sweat. "Oh my god Charlie." I remove the blanket from her body, picking her up bridal style and bringing her back to the bed. I set her down.

"Niall?" She wakes up.

"I am here. I am here don't worry." I say frantically.

"I am fine." She glups. "Just a nightmare."

"You are not fine. You are shaking and you are drentch in sweat. We need to get you out of this." I pull my shirt over her head, leaving her only in her underwear.

"It's going to be okay." I get in the bed on my side and wrap my arm around Charlie's waist, pulling her close to me.

"Don't let go Niall." She whispers, her voice shakes.

As the words slip out of her mouth, they take me back to when I first met Charlie. I knew that I wanted to be with this girl. I knew she would pull me into and I couldn't escape. I don't want to escape. I want to stay here, with her. I can't leave, not now.

"I'll never let go Charlie." I whisper back to her. And I mean it.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now