Catching Up

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"Are you going to say anything?" Niall questions, still down on his knee.


"No?" He questions.

I grab Niall's arm gesturing him to get up off the floor and he does.

"I am not going to marry you Niall. At least not right now." I shake my head.

He closes the ring box putting it in his back pocket. "Why not?"

"We are broken up Niall." I laugh a little, not because I think this situation is funny, because I am confused as hell. "You can't just give me a diamond ring and think everything will be okay." I throw my hands up in the air.

"But I love you Charlie. I want to be with you the rest of my life." He takes the ring back out. "Can't that be enough for you?"

"Niall I don't think you know what I am trying to tell you here."

"I guess I don't Charlie so please explain it to me." He stands a little taller looking down at me.

"I have dreamed of my wedding and getting proposed to since I was little. Those dreams were way over my head and I know that things like that will never happen." I look up at Niall to see the most confused look on his face. "What I am trying to say is that I know that those things were just dreams but I would like to have a proper wedding with a proper proposal and this is not it."

"I don't know what more you want here?" He shrugs looking down at the small black box.

"I want this to be real Niall!"

"This is real Charlie!" He raises his voice at me.

"It really isn't though!" I raise mine right back. "You are just proposing because you are afriad you are going to lose me. That is not what I want Niall. What I want is for us to get married when we are ready. When we have known each other for longer and I know that things won't won't break apart the moment we have another fight."

"Okay, we can wait." He nods. "But I want you to keep the ring. For as long as it takes." He takes my hand and places the box in my palm, wrapping my fingers around it. "You don't even have to wear it I just need to know you have it."

"Niall." I sigh. "I still don't think us is a good thing right now."

"I came back for you Charlie, I came back for us. I knew that I made a mistake leaving and thats why I came back." He pleas. "Just stay tonight. Stay with me."

"You are sleeping on the couch." I say looking at the ground.

"No I am not." He states and I look up at him.

"Then I am sleeping on the couch." I narrow my eyes at him. "Don't push me Niall."

"No one is sleeping on the couch." He says, looking down at me. "We both know what happens when you aren't sleeping with me and I know that I hate not sleeping with you. So lets save all the stress and just sleep in the same bed. Ya?"

The thing that makes me angry is that Niall is right. Every time I don't sleep next to him I end up waking up screaming and in a cold sweat. And we always end up together anyway.

"No touching." I say making my way into the bedroom. I go onto my side of the bed, covering myself in the comforter.

"No promises." Before Niall gets into bed he strips down to his boxer and I have to turn over in the bed to keep myself from staring. He can't pull me in this easily. I won't have it. He chuckles at me as he gets under the covers. He scoots closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now