This Fucker

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I open my eyes slightly at the sound of Charlie's voice.

"Don't. Stop." She starts to get a little louder and I sit up in bed, holding her in my arms. Another nightmare.

"Charlie you need to wake up." I whisper in her ear.

"Get off of me!" She starts to hit me but I just hold her tight.

"Charlie wake up!" I say a little louder and her eyes jolt open.

"Oh my god." She says breathing heavily. "I am s-sorry." She shakes in my grip. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Charlie you didn't hurt me." I sigh. "What I want to know is if you are okay?"

"I am fine." She tells me but I am not convinced. "Just a nightmare nothing major." She manages a small smile.

I look over at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It's barely 8 in the morning.

"So are you going to tell me what this nightmare was about?" I still hold Charlie in my lap. I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear to try and calm her.

"No." She shakes her head.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to remember it." She shrugs.

"If you talk about it, it might help you forget it." I turn her head so she is looking up at me. Her eyes are tired, she just looks tired and she won't let me in to fix her. But I don't know if I can fix her. This might be a wound that can't heal. "I fucking hate seeing you like this Charlie. Please."

"I was remembering my father." She says looking down at her lap. "The day he left Liam and I. And I don't think I will ever be able to forget that Niall."

"Why did he leave?" I don't want to push her because I know if I did I would lose her even more.

"He found someone else. A new family. He didn't want us anymore." I wipe the tear that cascades from her cheek. "Please don't make me talk about it anymore." She says burying her head in my chest.

"I won't." I tell her stroking her hair. "Do you want breakfast?"

"No." She shakes her head. "I just want to sit here."

I lay back in the bed, taking her with me.

"What about your friend?" I question.

"He can wait." She says closing her eyes, laying her head against my chest.

This gives me a sense of satisfaction. She would rather be here, in my arms, with me, than with that fucker Ashton. I don't like him. I will never like him. I will pretend to like him for Charlie's sake but in all honesty I will always be jealous of him. He was there for Charlie practically her whole life and he will always be able to hold that above me, because I know he will. He holds that look on his face that I can just tell he is a fucker.

"What are you thinking?" Charlie questions, looking up at me.

She snaps me from my thoughts and I look down at her. "About that friend of yours."

"What about Ash?"

Ash. The fucker even has a nickname. "Nothing really." I shrug. "Just thinking."

"I am going to call him." Charlie explains, getting out of bed.

"I thought you wanted to just lie here?" I question sitting up in bed, watching her fumble around, putting on her oufit for the day. "What happened to that idea? I liked that one better."

"I know I said that but who knows how long we are going to be here." She states, throwing her hair up in a ponytail. "I want to spend time with Ashton. Alone."

I laugh getting out of bed and throw on a pair of black jeans. "You are not going with that fucker alone. I don't trust him."

"Would you just fucking stop Niall." She turns to me, her face red with anger. I am taken back by her sudden change in emotion.


"I am sick and tired of you bossing me around. I am sick and tired of you telling me who I can and can't see."

"I only do it when I know something will happen." I stand my ground.

"Nothing is going to happen Niall!" She raises her voice, throwing her hands in the air. "Nothing ever happens! Nothing happened with Harry!"

"You are fucking kidding me right? Nothing happened with Harry?" I scuff. "He kissed you Charlie, multiple times I might add. And let's not forget how he confessed his love for you!" I raise my voice too, getting in her face to prove my point.

"Ashton isn't like Harry." She says shaking her head.

"Are you going to come up with an excuse every time?" I am yelling now but she doesn't even flinch.

There is a knock on the door and I look at Charlie wide eyed.

"I texted him."

I go to grab my shirt but Charlie grabs it and throws it across the room.

"I am going alone Niall." She says making her way toward the door, I follow close behind. "I am going to open this door, Niall and I am going to leave with Ashton. You won't follow me." She says sternly.


"No Niall." She opens the door and there stands Ashton, she steps out to stand next to him. "I will talk to you later." She grabs Ashton's wrist and pulling him away.

"Um bye." He waves a little uneasy.

"Fuck off." I say slamming the door in his face.

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