The End.... Almost

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"They have been talking for hours." I pace in my bedroom with Dani, sitting on my bed, her eyes following my actions. "What could they possibly be talking about for this long?"

"Well you I would imagine." She sits cross legged with her hand on her ankles. "Niall knew when he walked in that door that he was going to have to confront Liam. It will all work out fine Charlie! Liam will come around." She nods.

"I can't take this anymore. If they don't walk out in the next few seconds I am going out there." I stop in front on the door and on cue it swings open, only missing me by an inch.

"You ready to go?" Niall asks, oddly chipper.

"What did you talk about?" I ask and Dani gets up from my bed to stand behind me.

"Nothing." Liam appears in the doorway and Niall grins.

I narrow my eyes at both of them. "Are you guys okay now?"

"Perfect." Niall takes in a deep breath, taking my hand. "Let's go." He rushes me out of the apartment, not even giving me a chance to say goodbye to my brother.

"Niall where the hell are we going and why the hell do we have to get there so quick." I question has we reach his car.

"We have a flight to catch and only about two hours to get there." He explains, opening the car door for me.

"Where are we going?"

"Ireland." He grins.

"Wait we are really going to Ireland? But I thought you didn't want me to meet your family? And I haven't even packed. Not to mention that school starts in a week."

"Yeah but we have a wedding to plan."


Okay first off I would like to apologize that this was so short! But I do have a special project in mind which means.... A SEQUEAL! I wasn't going to write one at first but I have been convinced! I already know exatly what I want to do with the next story so stay tuned! In the mean time I have my Dark Ashton fanfic that I am currently writing along with a Dark Harry/Niall fanfic that I am co-writing with a really good friend of mine @deepbluetides and I would really appreicate it if you guys would check it out! But I promise it shouldn't take too long for me to get the next one started but I want to do some other work first:3

Thank you guys so much for sticking around for this long! I hope you will stick for the rest of this crazy journey!

Love you guys soooooooo much!


-Mary XoXo

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now