Killer Smile

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"Where is it that we are going?" I ask as Charlie walks a little ahead of me with a hop in her step.

"Somewhere special." She smiles back at me, that look causes me to smile as well. This women has me wrapped around her finger. If she just gives me that look I would be down on my knees, begging her to never leave. I have never been so attached to someone before, I have never wanted to be attached to someone like this before. With feelings, comes heart break. I have no fucking desire to be heart broken. I am the one who breaks the hearts.

"Are you coming?" Charlie looks back at me, snapping me away from my thoughts. Her brown curls shape her face perfectly. The dim sky light hits her face, making her look even more beautiful then before.

"Course love." I take her hand she holds out to me. She takes me into a large white circus tent. We go inside and it's pitch black. "Where's the fucking light switch?" I run my hands along the side of the tent, looking for a switch until I finally hit a cold, metal box. I hit the switch and small lights are draped from the middle of the tent to the outside. Charlie stares up at the lights in awe as if she might cry from happiness.

"Oh my god Niall." She slowly walks to the middle of the tent, her hands covering her mouth. "It still looks the same."

I walk out to the middle and stand only inches from her, watching the light grow in her eyes.

"Whenever my dad brought us here I always insisted we come to the circus. It was my safe place." She looks down at her hands. I want her to continue, to tell me her story. "My dad was never really around. We only ever got to see him for about a week in the summer. The visits started to slow at about age eleven. Then they stopped." A tear hits the hard ground before she looks up at me. I search her eyes for a deeper explanation, but there is nothing there. She is the mysterious one at the moment. "I haven't seen him since. Neither has Liam."

I bring my thumb to her cheek and wipe away the wetness of her tears. "He doesn't deserve you. He doesn't know what a great daughter he left behind."

A small smile spreads across her face. A smile I would kill to see every minute of the day. "You deserve much better my love."


"You deserve much better my love." Niall's sweet words play through my ears. Seeing Niall so nice and caring like this gives me weird vibes, but good weird vibes. I am not sure I will ever see him this loving again, I need to hold on to this moment.

He leans down, his lips inches from mine. "Never leave me Charlie." His eyes plead before connecting his lips to mine. This kiss is different, it is nothing like before. There is more passion, more feeling, more longing. Niall cups my face as his lips part from mine.

"I have no where else to go." I tell Niall. He smiles, laughing at the ground, revealing his dimple.

"You will be the fucking death of me." He wraps his arms around my waist, pinching my butt. I jump slightly causing Niall to laugh. "Can we go now?"

"And where exactly would we be going?" I question.

"I still have that hotel room." He bites his bottom lip, causing his lip ring to disappear. "If you are interested?"

I wiggle out of Niall grasp and make my way out of the tent, with Niall trailing close behind.

"You are such a fucking tease." We both quickly walk to his car and get in. Niall speeds away from the carnival.

"What's the rush?" I slightly giggle as Niall glares over at me.

"You know exactly what the rush is." He places his hand on my knee and strokes it with his thumb.

Within a few minutes Niall is pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. He gets out of the car and runs around the front, opening my door. "You coming?" He holds his hand out to me. I take it and he helps me from the car, rushing me inside. We get inside the front lobby when Niall stops me.

"Wait where's your stuff?" He questions, looking down at my empty hands.

"It's all at my place. Remember I came and got it early this morning."

"Sir." The lady at the front desk gestures for Niall to come over. I follow him over to the front desk. "Sir is your name Niall Horan?"

"Yeah why?" He narrows his eyes at the women. Her name tags says her name's Diana.

"A women came in saying she had lost her key to the room you are staying. I gave her a new one, thinking she was your girlfriend, but I can see that I came to the wrong conclusion." She smiles at me.

"A women? You gave someone my room key without my consent. What is your fucking problem?" Niall voice rises.

"Sir there is no need to yell." She tries to calm Niall.

"Niall, calm down. She didn't know." I take his hand in mine, caressing the top of his hand with my thumb.

"Fine." He sighs heavily. "Did she say her name?"

Diana looks down at her computer, typing something. "She said her name was Courtney."

My stomach drops. The images of Niall's hands all over Courtney's body as there lips fight for domiance enters my mind. I thought this whole thing with her was over but now she has to come back into my life.

"Thank you." Niall growls. He takes my hand, leading me over to the elevator. "Nothing is going to happen Charlie. Everything will be okay." He holds me close but that doesn't change anything. The women that ruined my relationship in probably sitting on Niall's bed right now and I can't get the horrible thoughts out of my mind.

"I can't do this. Let me out of this elevator!" The space feels small. Like the walls are moving in on me.

Niall presses a button, stopping the elevator, making the matters worse.

"Niall what the heck are you doing?" My breathing starts to quicken. What's happening to me?

He pulls me close to him, "I need you to promise me that whatever happens in there you won't leave me." I look up at him, giving him a confused look. "Promise me you will hear me out and not just walk out."

What is so bad that he doesn't want me to know?

"Promise me Charlie." He pleas, gripping me a little tighter.

"Yes Niall." I nod. He steps away from me, starting up the elevator again before running his fingers through his blonde hair. The doors slide open and Niall takes my hand, leading me towards his room.

"Don't worry. I will handle her, you just keep quiet." He slides the key card in the slot. "And remember your promise." He says with a blank expression. He slowly opens the door.

Courtney stands in the middle of the living area. Her back to us. Her light brown skin looks perfect under the hotel lights. She is tall with killer curves. I am instantly jealous. She turns to Niall and I.

"Hello Niall." She throws him a smile. Not an evil smile, just a regular smile. But there is something behind that smile that his is hiding and I dread finding out what that secret is.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now