Oh Baby!

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"Niall I'll be right back." He reluctantly removes his arm from around my hip.

"Don't take long." He nods down at me, before he makes his way over to his car, leaning against the hood waiting for me.

"What is it Iris?" I give her a concerned look.

"Um..." She says looking down at her hands. "I-I don't know what to do." Tears start to well in her eyes.

"Iris." I pull her a little farther from Niall. "Iris you can tell me anything. I could never judge you."

"I'm late Charlie." She looks up to my eyes, that are now red and puffy.

"Late? What do you mean late?" I already know what she means but I need her to confirm my thoughts.

"My period Charlie. I am late." She says, placing her hand over her mouth, letting out a muffled sob.

"You're pregnant? Did you take a test? Do you know for sure?" I have so many questions for Iris right now.

"I don't know anything Charlie!" She raises her voice at me. I look back to see Niall staring over with a puzzled look. "That's why I came to you. I need you right now." She goes back to a whisper. "I need my best friend back."

"Okay, okay." I run my fingers through my hair. "Well first off I need to know if you have told Louis."

"No." She snaps, shaking her head. "He can't know. At least not until I am sure. The problem is he knows something is up, I have no clue what to say to him to get him to back off."

"Why don't you stay at my place over night. We can figure out everything in the morning." I nod.

"Are you sure Niall will be okay with that?" The tears have dried on her cheeks.

"He will get over it. Come on." I walk Iris over to the car. Niall's eyes narrow at me. "Get in the back. I will be in, in a second."

She nods, getting in the back seat of Niall's car. "What the hell is she doing?" I meet Niall in front of the car.

"Niall I can't explain anything yet but Iris needs to stay with us for the night." I take his hands in mine. "She needs me right now."

He looks me from to the car and back to me, "Fine. Get in the damn car." He stalks around to the drivers side and gets in. I sigh getting in the passengers side. Just as I barely close the door Niall quickly pulls away from the house, speeding towards our place.

Iris sits in the back, sniffling back her tears. I turn back around to her, "Do we need to stop by your dorm and get anything."

"Fuck no." Niall snaps.

"No. I am fine." She nods, ignoring Niall's rude comment. "I am probably going to leave tomorrow morning anyway."

Niall pulls into the parking lot of the apartment building, "Just know that you can stay as long you want Iris." I tell her before we all get out of the car. Niall walks close behind Iris. "I don't have a key." I tell Niall as we reach the front door of the building.

"Yeah ya do. I put it on your key ring." He mumbles.

I fish through my bag only to find my key ring with two new sliver keys on it, "Oh okay." I unlock the door and we take the elevator up to the apartment. I unlock that door and Niall pushes past us back to the bedroom.

"Can you give me a second Iris." I ask her. "We can talk about tomorrow I just need to clear up things with him." She nods as I make my way back to the bedroom where Niall is pacing the room.

"Why is she here Charlie?" Niall growls, continuing to pace. "She has her own boyfriend who has his own fucking house for god sake."

"She is going through something right now. Can I just leave it at that?" I am not sure if Iris wants me to tell anyone yet. But I can trust Niall right?

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now