Story Time

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"So you just kind of freaked out on him?" Liam raises his eyebrows at me. "And broke up with him?"

"What is wrong with me?" I shake my head, running my fingers through my hair. "It was as if my mouth was speaking before my mind could think."

"No I don't think that was it. I think you snapped for a reason Charlie." Liam shrugs. "Something inside you told you, you and Niall would never make it. You would never last." He states almost as if he is pushing me away from Niall.

"But that is not how I feel and thats why I came to you. You are supposed to be helping me Liam." I tilt my head to the side, giving him a confused look.

"I thought thats what I was doing. Charlie I am not about to tell you want you want to hear. That you made a mistake and that you and Niall will live happily ever after. All you two do is fight and then you get back together and lie, telling yourself that everything is going to be okay. I am sorry if I am being to blunt here but you need to face the fact Charlie that you and Niall were never going to be more than a fling."

I try to take in what Liam in saying. The thought of Niall and I never being together again reveals a gap in my heart. I shouldn't be this dependent on Niall but I have already sealed my fate. I was the one who broke up with him.

"You need to move on, Charlie." Liam tells me. "You are strong enough to be your own person."


"I thought you came here to get wasted." Zayn takes a shot of tequilla, biting into a lime slice. "You are ruining everyone's fun." He pouts.

"How could she just leave me?"

"Oh god you are going to wallow now?" Zayn rolls his eyes, taking another shot.

"I gave her what every girl dreams of. I even fucking asked her to marry me." I growl, ignoring Zayn.

"She isn't like every other girls, Niall." Harry stares down at his half drunk mug of beer. "She is different."

"Glad you chimmed in Harry." I narrow my eyes at him.

"You're fucking right I did." He slams his hand on the table, taking us all off guard. "I am not going to sit here and listen to this bullshit. You strolled through this relationship like you were untouchable. Like nothing was going to go wrong, that you could do whatever the hell you wanted and Charlie would always come crawling back you. But you are dead fucking wrong. She is not going to come back to you this time and you are going to realize why soon." Harry downs the rest of the beer.

"Oh and you think she is going to come to you?" I state, trying some up a witty comeback.

"No. I don't want to be her fucking rebound. I am just telling you the cold hard truth. You are both fucked up when it comes to your so called love."

Zayn lets out a laugh and I turn to glare at him.

"I didn't think sweet old Harry had it in him." Zayn pats Harry on the back.

"You don't know anything about Charlie and I."

"I think he just about summed it up." Louis nods, looking away in guilt.

"No. Fuck you guys." I snap. "You see what happens on the surface but you don't see what happens behind the scenes. Charlie was the only thing that made this world meaningful and now I am stuck here sitting with you shit heads."

"Proud to be at your service oh great one." Zayn chuckles, bowing.

"Why are you even here if you are planning on winning her back." Harry shrugs, obviously annoyed. "Shouldn't you be with her."

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now