Gory Details

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I end up making pancakes. I eat a plate for myself and take a plate back to Niall in the bedroom. He sits at the desk with a binder in his lap and a pen his mouth, focused on his work. He doesn't even bother to look up at me.

"I made you pancakes." He glances up at the pancakes in my hand.

"I said I wasn't hungry." He looks back down at his work.

"Well you are going to fucking eat it anyway." I slam the plate down on his desk and storm out of the room. I can't take living in this apartment with Niall giving me the cold shoulder the whole time. That's not living at all.

Niall comes out of the bedroom, pancakes in hand. He throws the plate in the sink, "Did you just fucking cuss?" His eyes narrow at me.

"And?" I shrug, crossing my arms across my chest.

"You don't fucking cuss. That's not you Charlie." He shakes his head.

"I am not your perfect goody-good girl Niall."

"You aren't mine at all Charlie." Niall sighs.

"Then why am I here!" I raise my voice at Niall and throw my arms in the air. "Please explain to me why I am in the apartment with you! I still love you and being around you knowing that you don't feel the same way is killing me! I can't do this Niall."

"You think I don't love you! I didn't know I could love until you came along! That is the exact reason you are here." He runs his fingers through his hair. "I need you here because I can't live without you. But what you did to me hurt, and I don't want to take the risk of getting hurt again."

"I could never hurt you Niall. I didn't mean to hurt you in the first place. Colton means nothing to me, you, Niall Horan, are my one and only." There are so many things I want to say to Niall but I can't create the perfect sentence.

"Having Colton in your life scares the hell out of me. I keep thinking that you are going to change your mind and leave me for him."

"We have talked about this Niall. I-"

"I know we have talked about this! And I am tired of talking about it!" He raises his voice. I thought we were getting somewhere. "But you call him your boyfriend it sets me right back where I was before!"

"I didn't mean to call him my boyfriend! You are my boyfriend Niall!" I am practically begging for his forgiveness. "Colton is my past and he is going to stay my past." I sigh.

"I am just not sure anymore Charlie." He stares at the ground, not bothering to make eye contact with me.

"I can sit around here knowing that I want to be with you and have you not know what you want. It is killing me just to be around you right now."

"Then leave." He finally looks up at me.

"What? I thought you wanted me here?"

"I do." He nods. "Leave. Go out with your friends or something. I need time to think things over." His eyes narrow in thought.

"I mean I guess I could call Iris."

"Yeah do that." And with that Niall turns at the heel and stalks back to the bedroom.

As I go to dial Iris's number, Ezra's name appears on my screen.


"Hey Charlie! We need to talk? Lunch?"

"Yeah of course. Any place in mind?" I question. I dread what Ezra wants to talk about, the thoughts race through my head.

"The Pub sound okay?"

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now