The Perfect Moment

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"Do we wake them up?" I hear a whisper from Iris but I don't open my eyes.

"I am not sure if I want to see what underneath that blanket." I hear Louis and my eyes shoot open. I sit up wrapping the blanket around my naked body.

Niall sits up as well, pulling me close to his chest so his body is not exposed.

"Well hello to the happy couple!" Louis grins. "Glad you could have us over!" I look over at the clock and it is 8:15.

"Shut the fuck up Louis." Niall groans, running his fingers through his hair.

"Umm, do you mind turning around." I can feel my face burning red. "I was hoping to get to my room and get dressed without, well, ya know."

"Yeah yeah I know." Iris turns around, but Louis doesn't move.

"Um Louis?" He is staring down at me. Iris smacks his arm and he jumps, turning around with her. I grab the blanket, wrapping it around myself. I take Niall's hand, pulling him from the couch and quickly walking back to the bedroom.

"God that was so embarrassing." I quickly grab a bra and panties and slip them on.

"Well fuck what they think." Niall says slipping on a pair of boxers. "It's not like they don't know that we have sex." He shrugs.

"Yeah I know that." I pull on a pair of red leggings and one of Niall's sweat shirts. "I just don't care to have them walk in on me naked."

"They will get over it." He throws on a pair of black sweats and a white t-shirt. "After you my love." He grins gesturing me out the door.

I go out to greet Iris and Louis. I hadn't even noticed the small bump that is forming from the baby on Iris's stomach.

"Oh my gosh you look so good!" I say, quickly walking over to her, hugging her tight. And she really does, she just looks happier, there is a special glow that she is giving off. "Have you been able to find out the gender yet?" I question, giving Louis a small hug.

"Drum roll please." Iris tells Louis and he laughs, drumming his fingers against the wall. "IT'S A GIRL!" She giggles with glee.

"A girl! That is great!" I give her another small hug. I look back at Niall with a big smile on my face and he is just staring at me with a look of hope in his eyes.

"If you guys want to go in and sit, I am going to go order the food." Louis and Iris both nod, making their way into the living room.

Niall follows me back to the kitchen and I pick up my phone, dialing the number of the best take-out place. I order as much food as I can afford and hang up the phone after they tell me it will be here in 20 minutes.

I turn back to Niall and he is looking at me with the same look as before.

"I got you something." Niall pulls a long black box out of his pocket. "I was going to give it to you before they got here but that didn't fucking happen."

"Niall you need to stop buying me things." I sigh, opening the box. It holds a sliver chain necklace. The light from the kitchen reflect off of it at the perfect angle. "What's this for?" I ask him.

He pulls the ring box from the other day out of his pocket. "I know you don't want to make anything official yet but I hoping you would still wear it, around your neck, that's what the necklace is for."

I do want to marry Niall. I see myself being with him in the future I am just not ready to be engaged quite yet.

"Of course I will wear it Niall." A big grin spreads across my face as he takes the necklace out of the box, lacing the ring onto it.

"May I?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. I turn around so my back is to him, holding up my hair up so it is out of the way. His arm loops throw mine as he gently glides the necklace onto my bare skin. I hear the small click of the clasp as Niall puts it on. He turns me around so I am looking right at him.

"I love you so much Charlie." He says, his forehead resting against mine. "I can't think of a world without you. It would be so fucking boring. There would be no sun to light my way."

My cheeks flare red and Niall's loving mood. This is the Niall I love. "I love you too Niall. And trust me, my life would definitely be boring without you." I say before his lips connect to mine.

"Unfortunately" I sigh as our lips part. "We used probably get out there or they might think-" I don't finish my sentence as I look at the ground.

"That we are fucking?" He laughs before taking my hand and leading me into the living room where Louis and Iris sit.

"How long did they say?" Iris questions. "I am starving." She groans.

Niall sits down in the chair, grabing my wrist and pulling me down into his lap.

"About 10 minutes now." I say looking over at the clock. "So what have you guys been up to?"

"We have been looking for an apartment." Iris nods. "We think it is best to move out of that house with a baby on the way." Iris smiles just at the mention of a baby.


I don't even hear the conversation that is going on between the three of them as we eat. I watch Charlie, trying to take in every bit of her. The smile she gets when she talks to Iris makes me smile. The small giggle she makes whenever there is a mention of our relationship. The way she throws back her head in laughter when Louis makes some stupid pun, that only she finds funny.

Her bright green eyes turn to look at me, "Niall?"

"Hmm, what?" She snaps me from my thoughts.

"We were going to put on a movie. Opinon?" Louis asks, taking a drink of his beer.

"Whatever you want." I smile down at her.

"Well then we will decide." Iris gets up from the couch, dragging Louis along with her to the shelf with all our movies.

"You okay?" Charlie asks. Her small body still sits perfectly in my lap. "You seem a bit out of it."

"No love." I say stroking her arm. "I am fine. I am perfect actually." I state, bringing her lips to mine, placing a small kiss on her lip. "Perfect."

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