Breaking the Surface

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"This is the only place you could think of?" Niall scoffs.

I ignore him, taking in the surroundings. Spring Lake. I come here all the time when I need to be alone. Escape from everyone and everything.

"Did you hear me?" Niall snaps me from my thoughts and I give him a confused look. He shakes his head, "I don't know about you but I am hot and there is a lake in front of me." Niall undoes his belt and slips off his pants. I can't help but stare as he pulls his shirt over his head showing his v-line. The black ink flows in different shapes and letters all over his body. He grins at me one last time before running and jumping off the dock. The water splashes over the dock and hits my skin.

Niall comes to the surface, slicking back his wet hair. "You are coming right?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Um no." I say shaking my head.

"Oh come on!" He swims over to the dock resting his elbows on the edge. "Are you scared?"

"I don't really wish to be half naked in a lake with you." I step away from the edge.

"You don't trust me?" He actually looks upset about the fact I don't want to be there with him.

"It's not that-"

"Then get in the water." His voice is rough and his face holds a blank expression. I don't know what I am doing with him. One minute he hates my guts and the next he wants me to strip in front of him.


"I said get in the water." His eyes narrow and without a thought I remove my shoes then my pants. I pull my shirt over my head revealing my matching lavender bra and panties.

"Hmm" Niall grins at me. "Now are you going to jump or am I going to have to pull you in here?"

I roll my eyes. I take a running start and jump over Niall into a cannon ball. I surface, only to find Niall's ice blue eyes right in front of me.

"Most girls go for the swan dive." Niall gives me a side smirk.

"I am not most girls." I shrugs. Niall snakes his arm around the small of my back and pulls me close. My chest pressed against his sends warmth through my body. Niall can touch but I am on my tippy toes, trying to stay above water.

"Oh really?"

"Really." My body starts to shiver from the cold water.

Niall pulls me in even closer, "You cold?"

"Why are you being so nice to me?" The question takes Niall off guard.


I cut him off, "Because I don't know if I can take this."

"This?" He asks.

"This!" I say throwing my hands in the air. He is making me angry not realizing what he is doing to me. "You are messing with my mind!" I sigh. "Messing with my emotions." I calm a little bit.

"That's not what I am trying to do."

"Then what is it we are doing here Niall?"

"I don't know." He looks at the clear water.

"That's what I thought." I turn around to leave the water but Niall grabs my arm, turning me back around in to his chest. He puts one hand on the small of my back and the other on the back of my neck as he presses his lips against mine. His touch sends heat down my body, but I push away at his chest.

I get on the dock, walking back to my clothes, "What are you doing?"

"You can't just kiss me and expect me to fall into your arms Niall!" I yell at him as he gets out of the water, shaking his wet hair before slicking it back.

"Can't you just be happy with what we are doing?" Niall snaps putting his pants over his wet boxers that cling to his legs.

"No Niall. No I can't be happy with what we are doing!" I put my pants back on. "Because unlike you I would actually like to have a real relationship with someone I love." I reach down at grab my shirt only to find I dropped it in the mud.

"Here." Niall holds out his own shirt for me to wear.

"No." I say crossing my arms across my cold chest.

"Well I am not about to have you walk through town shirtless and have every wanker's eyes on you. Now put it on." His waves his shirt in front of me.

I snatch it from his hands and pull it over my head. "I am leaving." I grab my shoes and start to walk back towards town. I don't know where I am going but I am going.

"We can go back to my place." Niall runs, to catch up, next to me. "No one is going to be there."

"Did I not just say I was done with all of this?" I try to walk faster but his long legs keep up with mine.

"I don't want to be done." He says blankly. "I fancy you." I stop in my tracks and look over at Niall.


"I like you Charlie. I don't know why. We are complete opposites, don't get me wrong." He runs his fingers through his wet hair. "I like you and your annoying need to have everything the way you want it. Your need to have everything perfect. I may not be perfect Charlie, but I know we can be." He lets out a breath like he has been holding it in for a while.

"I am not sure what to say Niall." And that is the truth. He just threw this at me without any time to think. He told me his feelings and I still don't know mine. A big part of me wants to be with Niall, all of Niall, but a little part of me is telling me no, don't get in this mess. Iris's words play through my head, "He will break you"

"Then don't say anything." He grabs my hand and takes me towards his house. "Just don't say anything."

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