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"It my fault this time Louis. Niall is not the one to blame here." I stare down at my lap.

"You? What could you possibly do?" Zayn question. This kind of hits me a bit, I am not some perfect girl that can do no wrong.

"I made a huge mistake. I shot down Niall then I made it ten times worse when I called Colton my boyfriend."

"Who the fuck is Colton?" Louis's eyes narrow. It is odd seeing him protective over Niall.

"My ex." Hearing myself hear what I did wrong makes me feel even more worse then before.

Louis lets out a small gasp, "That is a bitch move."

"I know you don't have to remind me of my wrongs." I look down at my phone but nothing from Niall. I don't know why I was expecting anything.

"Right, sorry. Well I mean after you forgave Niall with all the shit he has done I imagine he can forgive you. Sooner or later." Louis shrugs.

"He bought an apartment." I blurt. I am not sure if he wants me to be telling his friends all of this but I need someone to talk to.

"Like a real flat?" Zayn questions.

"Yes. And he wants me to move in with him. Well he did, I am not so sure anymore." I am tired of explaining this story over and over. I know what I did wrong, I don't care to relive it.

"I am sorry I don't think I heard you right." Louis's eyes grow wide. "Niall, your Niall, asked you to move into a flat with him. Like together?"

"Yeah." I really kind of like the thought of living with Niall.

"Wow." Louis says, running his fingers through his hair. "And where is he now?"

"Back at the apartment." My heart hurts with even a mention of Niall. "He told me to go out so he think. Ezra just happened to call so that's why I am here. But now since you have ruined that option so I don't know where I am supposed to go now."

"Come back to our place. I am pretty sure Iris is going to be there. I know she has missed you." Louis explains.

"Yeah. That would be nice." I nod. Zayn and Louis get out of the booth and I follow them out of The Pub and to Louis's car. Zayn gets in the back, letting me sit shotgun. Louis pulls away from The Pub, heading towards his house.

"Niall will forgive you." Louis pipes up after driving for a few mintues. "Yeah, it may take some time, but he really does love you." He turns to look at me, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I hope so." I nod at him.

Louis pulls into his driveway. There is a car there that I don't recognize.

"Shit." Zayn says in the back seat.

"What? Who's car is that?" I question.

"Look." Louis turns to me, grabbing my hands. "Don't listen to a thing this guy says. They aren't very good people Charlie."

"Then why is he here? What's going on?"

"Just come inside but don't say anything." Louis and Zayn both get out of the car and I follow close behind.

"Zayn, please tell me what going on." I whisper to him as we walk inside.

"It will be okay Charlie. Just stay quite please." He whispers back as we enter the living room.

Iris sits on the couch, looking uncomfortable with a man, around Louis's age. He has shaggy brown hair and his eyes are sunken and blood shot as if he has been smoking something.

"Hey!" He says, enlongating the 'Y'. He stands and makes his way over to Zayn and Louis. I hide behind Zayn a bit but the man spots me. He pushes Zayn aside. "And who might this beautiful girl be." His hand meets my cheek, his thumb caressing my jawline.

"Get your hands off me." I growl, smacking his hand away.

"Oh." He chuckles, turning back to the boys. "Nice choice. I can only imagine what she is like in bed."

"Why are you here Eric?" Louis questions, jaw clenched.

I make my way to sit next to Iris. "What the hell is going on?" I whisper to her as the guys talk.

"Call Niall. Let him listen in." She whispers back. I do as she tells me, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. I dial Niall's number and after a few rings he answers.

"Hello? Charlie? You there?" I faintly hear from the phone.

"Just leave Eric!" Louis yells. "Niall isn't here. He left town ages ago!"

"Shit." I hear from my phone before Niall hangs up.

"I think he is coming here." I whisper to Iris.

"No." She looks at me wild eyed. "Eric can't know Niall is still in town."

"Why? What's going on?" I feel like I have asked this a million times tonight.

"Well he owes me money and one of you is going to give it to me!" Eric looks around at all of this.

Louis and Zayn continue to argue with Eric. Within minutes the door swings open and Niall storms inside.

"Oh I have missed you Niall." Eric smiles at him.

He stands in the doorway of the living room, jaw and fists clenched. "Where is she?"

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now