Just Kiss the Girl

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"Is that a strip club or a candy store?" I ask Niall, pointing to the strange looking building across the street. The cabbie drove us to a small street vender that sold pizza on the go. Niall and I both got a piece and headed off to walk the streets.

"We could go in and find out." He says throwing me a cheeky grin.

"I don't care if it is a strip club or a candy store, it looks sketchy in my book." I say shaking my head.

"But you need to be bold." Niall states.

"Let's go be bold somewhere else." I laugh slightly. "We still haven't gone to the one place I want to go."

"And where might that be?" He stops and turns to me, pulling me close, looking down at me.

"Central Park." I give him a big smile. "I want to do something romantic with you."

"I am not the romantic type." He says scrunching his nose.

"Well then let me do the work." I take his hand, leading the way to the park. "Lucky for you I know a short cut." I grin back at him.


The warmth spreads through me as Charlie's grins back at me, pulling me through the back streets of the city. Being here with her is the only good decision I have made in a long time.

I see the dim lights from the park just a few blocks away. It's so peaceful here at night. There are people around but not many. My thoughts are only focused on one.

I watch Charlie as she pulls me into the park and over to one of the large ponds. She bends down to one of the boats and part of her ass shows. I stare but realize that a guy walking by stares too and I stand behind her, giving him the death glare.

"I got it!" She says, standing up straight, turning around to me. She fixes her hair, putting her bobby pin back in her hair.

"What did you do?" I question, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Picked the lock on the boat." She says pointing down at the paddle boat that she holds close to the dock with her foot.

"Look at you. Breaking the law." I grin.

"After you." She grins and I get in the boat, and it wobbles a bit but I steady myself.

"Okay I need to get in." She bites her lip contemplating her plan.

I sigh, grabbing her by her hips and lifting her into the boat.

"See that wasn't so hard." I tell her, sitting down and she blushes. I feel like I am on a first date. But I don't do dates.

She sits down and starts peddling and I do the same, making our way to the middle of the pond.

Charlie stops peddling when we reach the middle and I do the same. And we float in he dimly lit pond. I stare at Charlie as she stares down at her lap. I can see the gears in her head spinning.

"What is it?" I questions lifting her chin so she is looking up at me. Her eyes are full of worry.

"I have a suggestion but I know you won't like it." She says placing her hand over mine. She sighs, closing her eyes, leaning into my hand.

"Well spit it out." I hate how she does this. Worrying the hell out of me when it is not needed.

"It's about my mother."

I take my hand away from hers and her eyes snap open. I can see the hurt.

"What about her?" I say narrowing my eyes.

She scrunches down as if she is trying to become small until I can't see her. "I want to go see her." She barely whispers.

"Now why the fuck would you want to do that?" I snap and I regret my choice of tone.

"Because I was so cruel to her before and what if something happened to her? I practically said I hated her. I can't leave it on a note like that." She lets a deep breath.

"But she was a cold hearted bitch to you. She doesn't deserve anything from you." I say taking her hands in mine.

"I want to do this Niall. And I want you to be there with me."

I think of the thought of being in the same room with Charlie's mum and cringe. I hate that women for putting Charlie in a position where she has to feel guilty but if it is what Charlie wants I will do it.

"I will go." Charlie's mood lightens a little. "But if she says one wrong thing to you I am not holding back."

"We should probably get back in before someone catches us." Charlie side steps my comment because she knows I am not lying.

"Right." We turn the paddle boat back to the dock and I get out first. I grab her hand and lift her from the boat. She bends down lock the boat back in place.

"HEY!" I hear someone yell and footsteps as if they are running. I snap my head back to see a, rather large police man running toward us.

"Charlie run." I grab her waist pulling her in front as she starts to sprint with me close in toe. She makes a sharp turn out of the park and into an alley way between two buildings.

She presses herself against the cold brick wall and I press myself to her. Her breath is quick as she looks up at my eyes.

"I think the coast is clear." She says looking down at my lips.

"Yeah." I agree but don't make a move to get up from her.

"It's getting la-" But I don't let her finish when I press my lips against hers. Her hands hold my face as I deepen the kiss. I grab her waist, pressing her hips against mine. She makes a small swiveling motion with her hips against mine and I let out a small moan.

"We need to get to the hotel now." I groan taking her hand, pulling her out of the alley way. "You are going to make me hard in the middle of New York."

"Well lucky for you it is right there." She has pointing to the large building in front of us.

I jog to the door, with her still behind me.

"We are taking the stairs." I open the door to the stairwell and I practically run up the stairs. I look back to see Charlie trailing behind.

I reach the first platform for the second floor.

"Get on my back." I say holding my arms behind me.

She doesn't object. Charlie hops on my back, letting me carry her up the stairs. Light as a feather this one.

I reach the door and use the key card to unlock it. Entering the hotel room I drop Charlie from my back, turning around and connecting my lips to hers.

"Well hello to the lovely couple." An unfamiliar voice sounds from behind me.

Picking Up the Pieces: A Dark Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now