Chapter 2 - The Curse of The Forbidden Verse

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  • Dedicated to Ricianne Yanto

Unnhh... where am I?

"Antonio! Antonio! Somebody wants to see you!"

I heard a voice coming from behind. I can sense that there are a lot of people around. I opened my eyes.The scene was a bit blurry, but I saw these people. But not just people. They're ... music technicians, make-up artists,muscular men in suits... and the ... rest of my band. I think, we're back stage... at some ... performance , live. Have I slept the entire performance? It seems like I did. Uhh, my head hurts.

"Antonio! Antonio!"

somebody tapped me on my right shoulder from behind. Its a big, bald man wearing shades and a suit. he had also this tiny piece of headphone attached from his ear. I wanted to speak but I can't say a word.

"Somebody wants to see you, Mr. Villanueva. She's right behind you." The man said.

Okay, I turned around. but when I , everybody ... was gone. The equipments were still there, but the people... they're gone. I turned around again, and I saw the bald figure ... gone...

uhh... what's happening? what's going on? where did they go? this is getting creepier by the second...

Until I felt a cold presence from behind... somebody tapped me .. on the shoulder.. from behind...with a cold hand... when I turned around, It was...


Ugh! I saw our professor tapping my shoulder to try to wake me up. It seems like I was sleeping from the class. Everybody laughed out loud . It seems that they were in for a boring lecture as well until the professor tried to approach me. Ugh, I can see some drool on my study table as I looked at it. Ugh. I hate these moments.

"What's wrong , boy? Not interested in the wonders of Gadolinian Literature?" My professor told me as he leans in my right ear.

"Uhh.. " trying to regain my focus, I sat up straight "No Sir!" looking straight at the blackboard. The students laughed again.

He looks up , and says "Then why does it seem that my words , from the start , are like... " he then glanced at me with fierce eyes "...a perfect tranquilizer for you!?" He said.

The class laughed again. Oh come on, it's not that funny.

I tried to reply . "I- It's because... We just started to move here last night. and because of that, I haven't got enough sleep because of all the moving we've .done...sir!" I said it while looking at the blackboard.

"I'm here boy, don't look at the board when I talk to you. I am not the blackboard." He commanded. The class laughed.

What? that was a lame pun!

I turned to look at our professor.

"Listen, kiddo. I don't care if you're famous for singing that viral cover or you're a part of a rising band because in this school... You're just... like him, or her ,or him." he points to the other students. He then proceeded to slam his hands at my table.

"SO DON'T EXPECT SPECIAL TREATMENT COMING FROM THIS SCHOOL ,EVER! UNDERSTAND!?" the class went silent. I went silent too. I don't know what to say.

he turned back on me and started to walk back to his desk. "But, since you 've put it that way, and you're new to this school, I suppose..." he looked at the windows ".. I could let you go off ... for now."

Oh, the irony. -_-

he quickly looked at me again "But this, is never to happen at my sacred time, at this sacred school, again. Alright!? " he points at me.

"Y-yes , sir! Won't happen again sir!" I replied immediately.

"Hmm. smart man. Alright class. dismissed." He says three seconds just before the final class bell rings. Ooh. Nice timing. He grabbed his things and went off. The other students went off too. But I was still sitting here, shocked at what happened.Until,

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